FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP

pci_t32 core & DMA

Honored Contributor II

Hi ! 

I want to design a data aquisition system using pci interface.I have planned to use pci_t32 IP core but I have to use DMA propherty.I know master core supplies dma propherty but I am not sure whether target cores supply or not ? Could you help me about it ? Should I use only target core or master/target core like pci_mt32
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

The PCI card need to complete the DMA transmit, you must use pci_mt32, then some of the signals connected to the pci slot of your top module will be defined as bidirection(inout), use the REQUIRE and the GRANT signals for pci bus access to implement the master DMA operation ...

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