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revisions and different sopc

Honored Contributor II



On one Quartus Project, I make 2 revisions :  

for exemple 

1 : using sopc_number_1.sopc (.ptf) 

2 : using sopc_number_2.sopc (.ptf) 


When I generate sopc_number_2.sopc, it says "JTAG instance (...] is used by sopc_number_1.sopc [.....] Reassign to 1." 


The problem is :  

when I want to download a software developed for sopc_number_2.sopc on a FPGA which contain this exact sopc_number_2.sopc, Nios II IDE says that there is no sopc (something like that). 


My questions :  

Is it a good way to make revisions with different sopc ? If not, do I have to make independant different projects ? 

How could I make sopc_number_2.sopc (.ptf) very independant from sopc_number_1.sopc (.ptf) about JTAG (uart and cpu debug) ? 


For the moment, I moved sopc_number_1.sopc and related away. 


(sorry for my english)
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

How are you creating the SoPC systems. Are you launching SoPC builder directly from Quartus (In which case SoPC builder is aware of your Quartus project and generates its files directly in your project directory) or are you using the megawizard plug-in manager to launch SoPC builder (in which case SoPC builder is unaware of your Quartus project and can be located anywhere in your file structure). 


I would create two SoPC systems in two different folders using the megawizard method. Then I don't think they will be aware of each other. 


FYI. I believe the JTAG node instance can be overridden using a parameter assignment to the appropriate design entity. 


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Honored Contributor II

Hi, thanks. 


I launch SOPC directly from quartus (double click on symbol on my top level bdf file). 

How can you change the JTAG node instance ? I see no parameters in Sopc Builder. 


For the moment, I try to make exhaustive Sopc. I think I'd rather make like this.
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Honored Contributor II

For this sort of thing I normally keep multiple 'dummy' projects and use them to generate my system. Then in my 'main' project I pull in the system revision that I want. This should avoid the overlapping JTAG instance ID that you are experiencing.

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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi, thanks. 


I launch SOPC directly from quartus (double click on symbol on my top level bdf file). 

How can you change the JTAG node instance ? I see no parameters in Sopc Builder. 


For the moment, I try to make exhaustive Sopc. I think I'd rather make like this. 

--- Quote End ---  



The node instance is assigned either at generation time or compile time depending on which core you are using. SOPC Builder/Quartus II needs to make sure the instance IDs don't overlap otherwise the tools won't be able to identify the JTAG nodes like the JTAG UART, Nios II debugger, Signal Tap II, etc... properly.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

HI, thanks for the answers. 


When I create a revision, it is based on an existent revision. Well. 

In the new revision, I use an other SOPC. 

when I compile this new revision, it wants to take the "legacy" SOPC. I mean the old SOPC comes back in the new revision even if I had deleted it in the include file list. 


I will make Multiple "dummy" projects. thanks.
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Honored Contributor II

That warning message causes NIOS II IDE to not find CPU in FPGA. That is a problem. 

To work around, I :  

  • copy the project (revisions included) to another disk location, by using Project>copy project... in Quartus, 

  • Remove all other revisions by using Project>revisions... 

  • Manually delete  

  • sopc_number_1.* 

  • bdf files that refer to sopc_number_1 

  • Refresh manually the design list file in Assignements menu 

  • Open manually sopc_number_1.sopc from original project to "save as..." in the copied project directory. 

  • Rebuild SOPC 

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Honored Contributor II

When the IDE has problems finding the CPU in a multi-processor design you can also try the 'load JDI file' button in the run menu. If the debug instance IDs get jumbled around by SOPC Builder or Quartus II you can count on this file to contain the correct mapping.

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