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FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6240 Discussions

CX4-to-HSMC Adapter on Arria-II GX

Honored Contributor II



I am trying to connect a CX-4 cable with the Arria-II GX FPGA Development Kit. The description for the CX4-to-HSMC Adapter (http://www.altera.com/products/ip/ampp/morethanip/morethanip.html?gsa_pos=2&wt.oss_r=1&wt.oss=cx4-to-hsmc%20adapter) indicated that it is compatible with Altera Stratix-II GX development mainboards. 

I am wondering is the same adapter card compatible with the Arria-II GX FPGA board as well? 



Thank you 

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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I have ordered a couple of these adapters to be used with the Arria II GX kit as well. I shall find out soon... but I am wondering what you may be suspecting in terms of compatibility. Because, both the sides of the adapter are standard. i.e. hsmc and cx4. Are you thinking that the cx-4 pins may not be connected to the correct transceivers on the a2gx board? 


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Honored Contributor II


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I have ordered a couple of these adapters to be used with the Arria II GX kit as well. I shall find out soon... but I am wondering what you may be suspecting in terms of compatibility. Because, both the sides of the adapter are standard. i.e. hsmc and cx4. Are you thinking that the cx-4 pins may not be connected to the correct transceivers on the a2gx board? 



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I'm curious about how it works for you, too. I have a few of the adapters that I may want to use with new dev kit. 


One quirk with the adapter was that the tx polarity was flipped so I had to force tx_invpolarity in FPGA design. Wondering if that's still the case with the adapter you got. 


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Honored Contributor II

Got them and tried them on the Arria II GX. They work. Looks like they fixed the tx polarity.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Got them and tried them on the Arria II GX. They work. Looks like they fixed the tx polarity. 

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That's good to know. Thanks!
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