FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6282 Discussions

Configuring ByteBlaster and putting Kernal Mode driver to bed.

Honored Contributor II

From other discussions It has become apparent that some people after installing their ByteBlasters the message " Kernal Mode driver not installed "..? The following procedures should sort this out. 


1/. Remove all traces if any the Altera 'ByteBlaster' in Control panel-System-Hardware-DeviceManager[Sound, Video and Games controller]. 


2/. Remove all traces if Any the 'Altera' in RegEdit-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]-SYSTEM-ControlSet001-Services & ControlSet002 or 003 Services.  


3/. Launch Quartus and enter into the Hardware setup. Remove and traces if any 'Available hardware items in the list. 


4/. Close down Quartus and reboot PC. 


5/. Insert the PCI disc and search in the readme files for NmPar, parport or any other *.par. In this insatnce my PCI card uses 'oxpar'. Note yours down. 


6/. Install PCI drivers and note down the port allowcation. In my instance it was LPT3. Change this to LPT1. 


7/. Install ByteBlaster drivers. 


8/. Launch Regedit-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]-SYSTEM-ControlSet001-Services & ControlSet002 or 003 Services. 


9/. Navigate to the AlteraByteBlaster folder and modify the DependOnService to reflect the [NmPar, parport or any other *.par] which you noted earlier. Please note that if this is not right, then you will get the message [Kernal Mode driver ect..]  

Please note that you may have more than one instance of the ControlSet001, so make sure they too have been modified. 


10/. Close down all folder in regedit and close regedit. 


11/. Power up Development board and connect the ByteBlaster to the PC. 


12/. Reboot PC. 


13/. Launch Quartus and navigate to Hardware Set up. 


14/. Add new hardware and select it...This should work. 


If this worked for you then please rate me. Thnks
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

From other discussions It has become apparent that some people after installing their ByteBlasters the message " Kernal Mode driver not installed "..? The following procedures should sort this out. 


1/. Remove all traces if any the Altera 'ByteBlaster' in Control panel-System-Hardware-DeviceManager[Sound, Video and Games controller]. 


2/. Remove all traces if Any the 'Altera' in RegEdit-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]-SYSTEM-ControlSet001-Services & ControlSet002 or 003 Services.  


3/. Launch Quartus and enter into the Hardware setup. Remove and traces if any 'Available hardware items in the list. 


4/. Close down Quartus and reboot PC. 


5/. Insert the PCI disc and search in the readme files for NmPar, parport or any other *.par. In this insatnce my PCI card uses 'oxpar'. Note yours down. 


6/. Install PCI drivers and note down the port allowcation. In my instance it was LPT3. Change this to LPT1. 


7/. Install ByteBlaster drivers. 


8/. Launch Regedit-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]-SYSTEM-ControlSet001-Services & ControlSet002 or 003 Services. 


9/. Navigate to the AlteraByteBlaster folder and modify the DependOnService to reflect the [NmPar, parport or any other *.par] which you noted earlier. Please note that if this is not right, then you will get the message [Kernal Mode driver ect..]  

Please note that you may have more than one instance of the ControlSet001, so make sure they too have been modified. 


10/. Close down all folder in regedit and close regedit. 


11/. Power up Development board and connect the ByteBlaster to the PC. 


12/. Reboot PC. 


13/. Launch Quartus and navigate to Hardware Set up. 


14/. Add new hardware and select it...This should work. 


If this worked for you then please rate me. Thnks 

--- Quote End ---  




Very helpful instruction, thanks a lot :)  

but I have one advice to point 5). How to easy find the key name of instance. If your computer has built-in LPT, the name is "parport". If you have LPT port connected via PCI bus like me, you need to find the name of his instance. Searching in readme or .inf files is very difficult. You can find this name by better way.  

Go to "my Computer"-"properties"-"hardware"-"device manager"-"port LPT"-"detai"l-then select "service" and you find your magic word :) 

note it 

then follow the instruction wrote above...
0 Kudos

not  work solution (((

system win7 x64

Quartus (Quartus Prime 20.1)

bblpt.exe /i

Can't start Altera ByteBlaster Service



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