FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

DSP kit, Cyclone II edition

Honored Contributor II

Hi guys, 



I have a Cyclone II DSP kit and it includes DACs and ADCs. I have tried to get them to work by using pin assignment on a Quartus II project, but there's nothing coming off the DAC (I measured it using an oscilloscope) 


If anyone has been able to get the DAC and/or ADC working, please can you tell me how you did so? Just instructions on how to do it would be great 


If anyone has any ideas on how to maybe get them to work then please, tell me as well! 



Thanks in advance, guys.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Just to know... You're not trying to use the ADC ou DAC with a DC voltage level, are you? Because there are transformers in the circuit of these devices, so you wont be able to work with DC levels.

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Honored Contributor II

Hi all 

I have implemented a two channel DDC (four signals) using CII-DSP-DSK (DSP builder) and I have no big problems at all. DAC_B output signals have to be routed using pin assig. in DSP builder 6.1 .Upgrading to 7.1 solves that issue as it has full support for channels A and B in both converters (AD and DA) 


-¿Are you using DSP builder? You should have recieved a license for it with your kit. 

-DAC's are AC coupled using minicircuits' ADT1-1WT which is rated from 400KHz to 800 MHz 

So not only DC levels are not allowed but anything bellow 200 KHz (in my measurements, YMMV). Does anybody know why altera designers have used a 75 Ohm trafo in their design?:confused:
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