FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits


Honored Contributor II



I am very new to the FPGA world and was wondering if someone would direct me in the right direction. 


I am looking for a suitable DevKit that I can use to learn more about program FPGA and also would like to implement algorithms for say monte carlo simulation, and option pricing. 

I would also, need to access data on the network? 


Can I develop on MacOs or is it strictly Linux and Windows? 


Thanks in advance for your time. 


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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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I am looking for a suitable DevKit that I can use to learn more about program FPGA and also would like to implement algorithms for say monte carlo simulation, and option pricing. 


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Will you use fixed-point processing or floating-point? Floating-point will required a high-end board, eg., the Terasic DE4 





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I would also, need to access data on the network? 


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Many of the boards have network connectors, eg., Terasic DE2-115. 



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Can I develop on MacOs or is it strictly Linux and Windows? 


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The synthesis software only runs under Linux or Windows. You can use VirtualBox to install Linux and then install the tools under that. You can then connect the Altera USB-Blaster to the virtual machine and program your board. 


I've tested VirtualBox versions of the Quartus tools under WinXP and Linux hosts, with WinXP and Linux VMs. They work fine. The only thing that does not work is that Win7 hosts do not release the USB-Blaster to the VM. 


The DE2-115 board contains a Cyclone-series device, so you can use the Quartus web edition synthesis software. The DE4 board uses a Stratix-series device, which requires a full-license for the synthesis software ($$$). 



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Honored Contributor II



Thanks for the quick reply. 


I was wondering if there are Dev Kits that are less that 500$ that would suit my needs? I had looked at some from the http://www.altera.com/products/devkits/kit-dev_platforms.jsp site that were less that $500 but not certain if there had everything that I needed? 


Any thoughts? 


Thanks again 


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Honored Contributor II


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I was wondering if there are Dev Kits that are less that 500$ that would suit my needs? I had looked at some from the http://www.altera.com/products/devkits/kit-dev_platforms.jsp site that were less that $500 but not certain if there had everything that I needed? 


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There are definitely dev kits less than $500. The real question is whether they suit your needs. 


If you need floating-point performance, then I think you'll need a high-end kit. 


A few of the cheaper kits; DE0-nano, DE0, DE1, etc do not have ethernet. 


A kit like the Arrow BeMicro-SDK does have ethernet, but its got low-power DDR memory, which you cannot use without a time-limited license from a third party. 


The Cyclone IV GX starter kit looks pretty nice for the money ($400). It is a PCIe card with ethernet. However, its got a relatively small FPGA on it 14k logic elements, contrast that to the DE115 with 115k LEs, and the DE4 with 230K LEs or 530K LEs. 


Before you buy a kit, you need to place-and-route a design that represents what you plan on implementing. That will tell you how many logic cells you are really going to need. 


I know, its a chicken-and-egg problem; you need to know the board before you start your design. However, I've just told you the boards, so you can now start a design - you don't actually need to buy a board until you've confirmed you can fit a design into one. 



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Honored Contributor II

For learning, the DE0-Nano is hard to beat, the price is right $79 ($89 from digikey, cheaper shipping within USA) and with ~22k logic elements, you can get into plenty of trouble before running out of resources. I would really like to see some courses given around southern California that use this board for teaching FPGA development!

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Honored Contributor II


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For learning, the DE0-Nano is hard to beat, the price is right $79 ($89 from digikey, cheaper shipping within USA) and with ~22k logic elements, you can get into plenty of trouble before running out of resources. I would really like to see some courses given around southern California that use this board for teaching FPGA development! 

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What about the Cyclone III EP3C25 Starter Board Test Design? can I implement a DUC and DDC (NCO,Filters,Mixer) and interconect it to an HSMC board? 


Thanks fot the help 

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Honored Contributor II


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What about the Cyclone III EP3C25 Starter Board Test Design? can I implement a DUC and DDC (NCO,Filters,Mixer) and interconect it to an HSMC board? 


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This kit: 




Any FPGA can be used to implement an NCO, DUC or DDC. Ultimately you are only limited by the resources your DSP logic requires, and whether you want to access external signals. DSP logic can easily be tested using RAM for a DSP input data source, and for DSP output data sink. 



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