FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6079 Discussions

Problems with Yocto/Poky Linux on the Arrow SoC kit

Honored Contributor II

Hi everybody, 


I have some problems with a self-built SD-card image to boot linux for the Arrow SoC kit. Using the image file provided by Terasic (find the link to get the image here [2]) everything works just fine and linux is booted without any problems. If I compile and create the image by myself several problems occur. I followed the instructions in [1] concerning software. There's no booting process initiated at all. 


In the next step I just partially updated the SD-card with the Terasic image. If I use my boot loader, nothing boots. If I use my kernel the kernel start fails during the (started) boot process. If I use my file system the boot process and the kernel start work fine, but afterwards there's no file system available. 


I know that there are several mistakes to be made and much more information would be necessary to see what I did exactly. But I already tried quite many things and writing everything down would be to confusing.  


Maybe someone of you had similar problems and can tell how I got over these problems. 


Thank you very much in advance! 


With best regards 




[1] rocketboards.org/foswiki/Documentation/ArrowSoCKitEvaluationBoard 

[2] rocketboards.org/foswiki/Projects/SoCKitVideoIPVIPReferenceDesign
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II



little update: The self-baked file system works now and can replace the file system on the mentioned image. But there's still no progress with the other parts. Is there nobody with similar problems? 


Best regards 

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Honored Contributor II

I know it doesn't help much, but I am having the same problems as you are. The SoCkit boots fine with the prebuilt image, but when I followed the instructions with yocto the resulting image on an SD card will not boot at all. 


Have you made any progress since your post?
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Honored Contributor II



we have made some progress (and changed our username :)) 


the new facts are:  

  • We are not the only guys who have probblems to get an own image running on the Arrow SoCKit. 

  • It seems to us as if the preloader does not work with the Arrow SoCKit. 

  • You can get another image here
  • In order to run a self built image on the arrow SoCKit, we think you have to use the preloader that comes with the SoCKit image. You can extract it from the image you just downloaded by using dd on the third partition to a file and then using this file with the –p rather than –rp option. Probably, you can also generate your own SPL but you have to generate a SPL from Quartus with a project which mimics settings from SoCKit reference project. 



Do you or someone else have made any progress, too? 





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Honored Contributor II

I'm having exactly the same problems. 

Did you use the Yocto Source package or did you use the git trees? 

And does anyone has a guess what causes the problem and how to fix it in the sources? 

Any help welcome! 


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Honored Contributor II

The problem is solved: 

- Cause: The preloader needs to take into account the pin/mux/hardware configuration of the targer board. The Altera boards differ in so many ways that the preloader can't work on a SoCKit board. 

- Solution: 

Generate your own preloader from the definitions in the SoCKit_Materials.zip in folder SoCkit/SoCkit_SW_lab_13.0/hps_isw_handoff/soc_system_hps_0/ 

The zip file is available from http://www.arrownac.com/solutions/sockit/ under the getting started tab. 

To build the preloader you need the bsp-editor from soceds5. Follow the instructions given at several places to build and then make it. 

Caveat: When you are using the Quartus tools in the current version (13.0sp1) you will get some compile errors (13.0 works). 

If you are using 13.0sp1 you need to regenerate the handoff files with quartus from the SoCkit GHRD at http://www.rocketboards.org/foswiki/view/projects/sockitghrd

Hope this helps.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

The problem is solved: 

- Cause: The preloader needs to take into account the pin/mux/hardware configuration of the targer board. The Altera boards differ in so many ways that the preloader can't work on a SoCKit board. 

- Solution: 

Generate your own preloader from the definitions in the SoCKit_Materials.zip in folder SoCkit/SoCkit_SW_lab_13.0/hps_isw_handoff/soc_system_hps_0/ 

The zip file is available from http://www.arrownac.com/solutions/sockit/ under the getting started tab. 

To build the preloader you need the bsp-editor from soceds5. Follow the instructions given at several places to build and then make it. 

Caveat: When you are using the Quartus tools in the current version (13.0sp1) you will get some compile errors (13.0 works). 

If you are using 13.0sp1 you need to regenerate the handoff files with quartus from the SoCkit GHRD at http://www.rocketboards.org/foswiki/view/projects/sockitghrd

Hope this helps. 

--- Quote End ---  


Hi, Stiw 


According your explanation, if i using quartus 13.osp1, i need to regenerate the handoff file in folder SoCkit/SoCkit_SW_lab_13.0/hps_isw_handoff/soc_system_hps_0/ .. 

but i click into the link you suggested, it don hav too much of step to show how to regenerate it, and izit i need to recompile again the quartus file in SoCKit_Materials.zip( SoCkit_HW_lab)? 

If you ever had regenerate the handoff file on quartus 13.0sp1 before, can share the completed project here? I am confusing and stuck at here and dun know how to proceed...Hope u can answer my questions and give me some guidance. 


thanks for reply in advance !! 

Best regard,  

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