FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
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Using HPS_KEY and HPS_LED in FPGA via LOAN IO in DE1-SoC

Honored Contributor II



I am using DE1-SoC with Quartus II v13.1 and v14.0. 

I want to use GPIO attached to HPS from the FPGA side. 

I referred to some related documents and forum topics: 


how can i implement hps loan io and confirm timing? (http://www.altera.com/support/kdb/solutions/rd04132014_234.html

an 702: interfacing a usb phy to the hard processor system usb 2.0 otg controller (http://www.altera.com/literature/an/an702.pdf

instantiating the hps component (http://www.altera.com/literature/hb/arria-v/av_54027.pdf#page=10

accessing hps pins (http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41652

how to let fpga get access to hps pins (http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44486


Then I added some LOAN IO code to GHRD source. 

Its main part is as follows and the exact code is attached. 


assign loan_io_oe = 1'b1; // HPS_LED is in output mode assign loan_io_out = loan_io_in; // HPS_LED <- HPS_KEY assign LEDR = loan_io_in; // LEDR <- HPS_KEY 


Now my FPGA can access an input pin (HPS_KEY) attached to HPS. 

However, it can not access an output pin (HPS_LED). 

When I program the FPGA, LEDR[0] turns on and HPS_LED is off. 

Pushing the HPS_KEY turns LEDR[0] off, but HPS_LED keeps off. 


HPS_LED is not broken as I tested using hps_gpio Demo project. 

I also tested both 1 and 0 of USER_IO_DIR bit for HPS_LED, 

which controls HPS GPIO direction. 


My question is how I can control LOAN IO as an output pin. 


What I exactly did is: 


* Copy de1_soc_GHRD project in V.1.2.0 SystemCD as a new project. 

* Double click hps_0 in Qsys. 

* Disable GPIO53/54 buttons and enable LOANIO53/54 buttons in Periferals Mux Table in Periferal Pins tab. 

* Export h2f_loan_io as hps_0_h2f_loan_io. 

* Perform Generate HDL and Finish. 


* Modify ghrd_top.v as attached patch. 


* Start "Analysis & Synthesis". 

* Assign 3.3-V LVTTL to LOANIO53/54 pins in Pin Planner. 


* Start Compilation. 


Thank you very much and Regards,
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II



I am exactly trying to do what you have explained in your post. Did you get it to work? Could you please reply here what you did to get it working?  



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Honored Contributor II



I am also trying to do what have been explained in this post and I am in need of an answer as I have been stuck for days? Please could you provide use with the solution for this problem?  



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Honored Contributor II

From this link: https://www.altera.com/support/support-resources/knowledge-base/solutions/rd04132014_234.html it looks like the preloader needs to be updated too. Have you tried doing that?

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