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The table below lists the specifications for this design:
Attribute | Specification |
Device Family | Arria II GX |
FPGA | EP2AGX125EF35C5 |
Quartus Version | 13.0 |
Modelsim Version | Modelsim SE v6.6d |
Data rate | 1.25Gbps |
Data Pattern | From Spirent Tester or User self generated |
Number of Channel | 1 |
IP used | ALTGX GIGE, Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller |
In transceiver GIGE mode, transceiver hard rate match FIFO is performing |I2|(BC50) character deletion/insertion during inter-packet gap and |C2|(BC42) character deletion/ insertion during Auto-Negotiation(AN) process. For further info on how transceiver rate match FIFO perform deletion/insertion in GIGE mode, please refer to Altera Device Handbook Vol.2, Transceiver Functional Modes chapter.
In certain user application, where Altera FPGA is used to a bridge between 2 devices and AN process was not happen at Altera FPGA device as shown in figure below.
User might face the AN link failure between device A and B if have any deletion/insertion happen at Altera FPGA due to PPM difference. Accordingly to IEEE802.3,clause 36, Figure 36-7a-PCS receive state machine diagram,part a, received data at receiver side is consider correct if the data sequence is KDDD, where K= Control character, D= Data as shown in figure below.
However, due to hard rate match FIFO limitation, only 2 byte data,KD (I2(BC50) / C2(BC42)) will be deleted/inserted only. Hence, the 2 byte data deletion/insertion will cause the AN process link failure.
In order to compensate the hard rate match FIFO limitation, Soft Data Handler is design in such the way that it will post-process receiver data and regenerate the correct data sequence of |C1| or |C2|, KDDD.(shown in figure below)
Soft Data Handler Architecture Design
Table 1 show the data pattern that will recognized by Soft Data Handler and the corresponding action.
Data Sequence | Data Pattern from RX | Action |
1 | KDDD | Correct Data Sequence |
2 | KDKD | Follow previous data |
3 | DDKD | Swap KD |
4 | DDDD | Replace DD with KD_C1 if the previous data is KDDD,KDKD,DDDD,DDKD,IIKD else pass through the data |
5 | IIII | Correct sequence , pass through |
6 | KDII | Pass through |
7 | IIKD | Replace KD to II |
8 | DDII | Replace DD with II if the previous data is KDDD,KDKD,DDKD,DDDD,IIKD else pass through the data |
9 | IIDD | Pass through |
Note: The reason to pass through is because maybe the data is error and Soft data handler will avoid correct the error.
Soft Data Handler Design File (ZIP)
AN 537: Implementing UNH-IOL Test Suite Compliance in Arria GX and Stratix II GX Gigabit Ethernet Designs (ver 1.0, Sep 2008, 514 KB) (PDF)
Arria II, ALTGX GIGE , Soft Data Handler , Rate Match FIFO, Rate Matcher, GigE mode, IEEE 802.3 Clause 37 1000BASE-X Auto-Negotiation, SGMII Auto-Negotiation
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