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Forza Motorsport 8 (FM2023)


Just wanted to hear from the rest of the Arc community if anyone is playing Forza Motorsport 8?

I have a 10900K with 32gb and an Arc 770 16gb

I know that FM8 has been a general disaster on PC release (a bit like FM7 was), i just wanted to see if anyone has had any positive results and if they did, what did they do to achieve it?

I've been waiting for this game for years and must say, i'm pretty disappointed so far, but i can put up with just about anything if the game actually ran smooth at 30FPS, but for me, it's still a stuttering mess .

I see that Arc Driver update 4900 doesn't specifically target Forza (I think 4887 did but i don't see any improvement).


Anyway, any good news and any tips most appreciated!

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6 Replies

Hello Bubbachew

Thank you for posting on the Intel Gaming Communities. We know it can be frustrating not to get the expected performance from such an anticipated game. We will be more than willing to look further into this one.

Based on your hardware configuration, you should certainly be able to get more than 30 fps on Forza Motorsport, we would like to check your in-game graphics settings and if possible, you could share a video of the issue so we can check how the game behaves from your side and how the GPU is being used on your system when laying the game.

Optimizations for Forza Motorsport were introduced in the driver version you can go back and test it as well to check for possible regression issues or you can also try a DDU installation of the latest driver, I see you have the latest version installed but using DDU might help with this problem.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hello Bubbachew

I wanted to check if you had the chance to test the driver we recommended in our previous, if the issue continues to happen, please share with us a video of the issue so we can check how your GPU is behaving in Forza and it would be useful for comparison as well in case we need to test the game.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hello Bubbachew

I wanted to check if you have been able to complete the troubleshooting steps from our previous post. I also wanted to let you know there has been a new driver update that you can test the version is

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hello Bubbachew

We have not received a response so far so we will be closing this thread, we hope your game performance has increased after installing the driver as previously suggested, however, if you are still experiencing issues, fell fee to open a new topic os we can assist.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hi Hugo,
Sorry for my delay in getting back to you.
After the 2nd update from Forza I was managing 60fps and was very happy.
With the 3rd update, I am only getting 40fps and that’s with all settings turned to lowest.
Game is now unplayable.
Not sure what to do next.
0 Kudos

Just wanted to add some screen shots of the performance -


1080p Low.jpg1440p High Auto.jpg1440p Low Antix2.jpg1440p LOW Auto.jpg1440p Low vsync60.jpg1440p Low.jpg1440p Medium Auto.jpg1440p res125.jpg


Its fair to say that this racing game needs a steady 60fps to be playable.

I'm hoping you're not going to say this is all Turn10's problem (of course its fair to say that a good chunk is down to them) but this game was smashing out 60fps on the 2.0 update and now i'm running the latest INTEL ARC driver - released on 22nd December 2023.

I would really appreciate if you could have another look at this game and give it your best tweak, this will stop TURN10 pointing any fingers your way for us devote ARC supporters.


thank you!

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