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Set custom resolution


I am using a 32:9 monitor with a resolution of 5120x1440.
So far, I have been using the built-in KVM switch, and with my laptop that has an Intel Iris graphics chip, it worked fine.
Now, I am using a separate KVM switch.

On my other PC (NVIDIA), I was able to manually set the resolution to 5120x1440, and it works.
On my laptop, I downloaded and installed the Intel Graphics Command Center (Beta).
When I try to manually set the resolution to 5120x1440 there, I get an error message: "Bad Parameters".

How can I manually set the desired resolution? Is there a solution?
It worked before, the Intel graphics chip supports it, and the KVM switch does as well.


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6 Replies

Hello Lars5,

Thank you for posting in the community. I have a few questions regarding your concern. Please answer the following:

  1. What is the full make and model of your laptop?
  2. What is your current graphics driver version?
  3. Does the issue occur when you switch to a different KVM?
  4. Are you using the graphics driver provided by your laptop manufacturer? If not, have you tried rolling back to that version?
  5. If you recently updated your graphics driver, did you perform a clean installation?
  6. What is the model of your monitor?
  7. What display adapter are you using, and what is its version?

Also, to better understand your entire system information, please use the System Support Utility (SSU). This will generate a text file that compiles all your system information. You can follow this link for instructions and send the text file here: Help Guide for the Intel® System Support Utility

Best regards,

Dhanniel M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Dhanniel,

I tried to answer your questions as good as I know:

1. Fujitsu Lifebook U7512
2. Intel Iris Xe Graphics (driver version
3. Unfortunately I have only this one external KVM. With the internal KVM of my monitor I can choose the resolution 5120x1440
4. Yes, I think so...never changed it manually
5. I tryied to delete the graphics drivers and did a restart but it did not help
6. Philips 498P 32:9 ultra wide
7. I use the microsoft display drivers with version 10.0.19041.4355, could not find any drivers from philips

The requested scan with SSU is attached.

Some more obervations from my side:
If I switch back and connect my notebook direct to the monitor I can choose the resolution of 5120x1440 instantly as it worked all the time before.
The KVM switch itself does not really support this high resolution.
Obviously 32:9 is still a bit uncommon.
Nevertheless, on my other PC with a dedicated NVIDIA graphics card I first had the same problem, that I could not choose this high resolution together with the KVM. In the NVIDIA settings I could than easily set up the desired resolution manually and force the KVM to accept it, which is working fine.
So, I think the root cause is that 5120x1440 is not official supported by the KVM, nevertheless it seems to be possible (max is 3840x2160).

Is there any possibility to set the desired resolution manuelly with my internal Intel Chip?

I also tried to change the registry entry for the monitor but it did not help.

I would be very grateful a solution.

Thanks and best regards,

0 Kudos

Hello Lars5,

I will check my resources to find a suitable solution for this issue. However, I need to clarify a few things first:

  1. Are you currently using an external KVM switch to connect your monitor to your laptop? If so, could you please provide me with the link or make and model of your KVM switch?
  2. When you mention using the built-in KVM switch before, do you mean it is built into your monitor?

Best regards,

Dhanniel M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hallo Dhanniel,


I am using a TESmart HKS0401A2U-EUBK.

Before I was using the built in switch of the monitor.


The problem becomes more weird to me:

I have a stationary PC and a Notebook which both were connected before to the internal switch of the monitor.

The PC was connected via a DP-Cable and the Notebook via a HDMI cable (let's call this cable type A).

Now both computers are connected via HDMI.

The PC is connected with a different HDMI cable to the switch and the switch with the same type of HDMI cable to the monitor (let's call this cable type B).

Now comes the weird thing:

Stationary PC is HDMI (B) to switch and HDMI (B) from switch to monitor and the resolution of 5120x1440 is working fine.

Notebook has HDMI (A) to switch and resolution of 5120x1440 is NOT working.

If i connect Notebook directly with HDMI (A) to the monitor as before the resolution of 5120x1440 is working as in the past.

But if I use HDMI (B) to connect the Notebook also directly to the monitor is it again NOT working.

Honestly I do absolutely not get, why it does not work on my Notebook with the other type of HDMI cable because the same cable works fine with the stationary PC.

Nevertheless I ordered another more expensive HDMI 2.1 cable which hopefully arrives soon.

HDMI (A) is definetly a 2.1 cable...(B) I'm not sure but I guess it is too, hence it works fine with the stationary PC.

But I'm also grateful for some other solutions.

Best regards,

0 Kudos

Hello Lars5,

I appreciate your detailed explanantion of the issue. Let us do an initial troubleshooting by updating the graphics driver of your laptop. Please follow these steps for the clean installation of graphics driver:

Before you perform the clean installation first download the latest graphics driver (101.6078) from this link: Fujitsu Laptop Graphics Driver. Then let's perform the clean uninstallation: 


  1. Disconnect from the internet to make sure the driver will not be automatically updated by Windows.
  2. Go back to the Intel Graphics entry in the Device Manager.
  3. Right-click Intel Graphics and click Uninstall.
  4. In the device removal dialog box, check Delete the driver software for this device and click OK.
  5. Restart the computer after the uninstallation is complete.
  6. Open the Device Manager.
  7. Expand the Display adapters section again.
  • If no older drivers are stored in the system, the graphics controller in Device Manager should now be listed as Microsoft Basic Display Adapter, Standard VGA Graphics Adapter or similar. If not, repeat steps 2 through 5.
  1. Reboot the computer when prompted.


Execute Clean installation of driver:

  1. Click the .exe to initiate the driver installation.
  2. Agree to the Intel Software License Agreement.
  3. Click the checkbox to Execute a clean installation.
  4. A clean installation removes all old drivers and restores Intel settings to the default value
  5. Click Start to begin the install.
  6. Reboot the system if prompted.

If the above method cannot resolve the issue, try to use Display Driver Uninstaller to uninstall the graphics driver first, refer to:

How to Use the Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) to Uninstall an Intel® Graphics Driver

Additionally, can you share the link of your External KVM. Then let me know if the outcome of following this troublehsooting.

Best regards,

Dhanniel M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Dhanniel,


I'm using a TESmart HKS0401A2U-EUBK as an external KVM swtich.

I did the clean reinstall of the drivers as you described but it did not solved the problem.

Also after reinstallation I was not able to set the desired resolution in the standard dropdown nor via the Graphics Command Center (Beta).

I also tried some different HDMI 2.1 cables just be sure but this did also not help or change anything.


Best regards,


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