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Can't display 3840x2160 at any refresh from Surface Pro 3 i7 with Intel HD graphics 5000 chip - what am I missing?


Using a Seiki 4k 39" monitor with HDMI cable and Mini-display port adapter. This exact configuration, monitor, cable was able to drive 3840x2160 at 24hz with a co-worker's Surface pro 3. However I cannot get the Surface Pro 3 driver and/or software to give me the correct option to display this resolution on my Surface.

I have tried the most updated Intel graphics driver and Intel Graphics control panel from the Intel site. I tried to create a custom resolution but it wouldn't actually switch to it. I tried to "update to the latest driver" from the control panel. I can now see a 3840x2160 resolution listed in the "List all Modes" dialog from the graphics driver which has 4 3840x2160 modes - at 11 hz, 12 hz, 14 hz and 15 hz but nothing at 24hz. I also notice that all of the "valid modes" listed say 32 bit in parentheses but obviously I have a 64-bit i7 chip - don't know if somehow the wrong driver is installed (I know I've downloaded and installed the 64-bit version).

Help! Any input which gets me closer to this working is appreciated. Thank you!




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7 Replies


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Hi hansb_intel,

Thank you for replying and providing that link! I did already try that driver, and manually installed it. I then tried to create a custom resolution for 3840x2160 at 24 hz refresh rate to parallel the resolution that worked on another Surface pro 3. However, when I tried it the message was "this configuration exceeds the available bandwidth." Then when I was finally able to create the custom resolution and tried to apply it, the dialog box said "change has been applied - do you want to accept or revert?" however the display resolution never changed. So while I was finally able to create a custom resolution that seemed correct, I was not able to actually apply it so that the monitor used that resolution.

After doing that, I continued to search the internet for a solution and installed another driver, which is the one that only offers the lower refresh configurations for the 3840x2160 resolution. When I try to apply that, the screen goes blank and cannot display at all.

What would you suggest I do differently if I have that driver that you recommend?

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Bump - any further advice?

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I tried replicated and and found that windows* gives you many resolutions and refresh rate options but most these do not work, but you can set the custom resolution in the "Intel HD graphics control panel":

Just go to the "display" panel and on the top, click the "display" tab and you will see the "custom resolution" option.

Try adjusting the setting from here and let me know if it works.

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I did and it does not. I was able to create a custom 3840x2160 24hz resolution, however when I try to switch to it within the intel control panel it does nothing. I get a window that says "the new settings have been applied - do you want to keep these settings" with a yes/no (see the screen shot below) but in fact nothing has changed - the new resolution never displayed it just stayed the same.

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HI MichaelJGilbert,

At this point I would suggest that this is probably a hardware related issue with your machine, since you had mentioned that this configuration works on another system.

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