Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Como solucionar error 216 en instalacion de drivers graficos?


Hace poco termine de armar mi computadora, pero al iniciarla por primera vez me encuentro con que no puedo cambiar el escalado del HDMI (puerto al que esta conectada mi television) y unicamente me deja la resolucion 800 x 600. Al encontrarme con dicho error comence a buscar en internet alguna solucion. Descubri que necesitaba instalar los drivers, ya que tenia instalado unicamente los predeterminados: "Adaptador de pantalla basico de Microsoft". Encontre el driver que debia instalar, lo descargue, pero al instalarlo mediante el asistente tecnico de Intel, me da un error, error 216.

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1 Reply
Super User

So the Intel support engineers can have more information about your system, Please download and run the Intel System Support Utility ( ) for Windows. Select all data categories and then have it generate a report. Next, have the tool Save the report to a text file (don't try to use the Submit capability; it doesn't work). Finally, using the Drag and drop here or browse files to attach dialog below the edit box for the body of your response post, upload and attach this file to the response post.

Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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