Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21807 Discussions

Graphics driver Intel 4600 keeps reinstalling no matter what


It is on an old Lenovo laptop. Win 10 64 bit.

It always had problems with random BSOD with error in dxgmm2.sys, as millions of cases around the world. Following suggestions, I tried to uninstall graphics drivers and it is impossible, worse than a virus..........


In Windows Update I have selected NOT to install other drivers but it continues to reinstall, even if I see it in the Optional Updates with a unchecked check box, that I stay far way.


I have removed Graphic Control Panel and Driver BOTH from the Old Control Panel -> Programs and Features AND from the Win 10 Settings -> Apps. No matter what, this thing reappears at next reboot.


I have also deleted Intel Graphics Driver from Device Manager, so Display Adapter reverts to Microsoft Basic Driver, but at next reboot, it reappears and reinstall itself.


I must keep Windows Update turned off. But it is not a long term solution.


I have also stopped all  Lenovo services, in case Intel did some pact with them to reinstall it anyway, but it didn't work.


There does not seen anything in Startup of Task Manager,  I have no more ideas to prevent this thing to grab my system,


Tell me what shound I do to get rid permanently of Intel Graphics Driver and its Control Panel, forever and without inserting itself in Windows Update.




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4 Replies
Super User

Use the Microsoft wuShowHide tool to block/hide the offending update.


Install the driver you want.  

Then, reboot, and run the wuShowHide tool to block/hide the update Microsoft is forcing.


wuShowHide is attached.


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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Thx for the reply.


I have this morning noticed the driver reinstalls itself at reboot EVEN IF Windows Update is paused.


There must be something hidden in the computer.


Do you have any idea?


Should I also remove all other Intel components? Like Network, CPU and bus driver and all those things for laptops. Maybe one of them reinstalls Graphic Driver and Graphic control Panel?



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Super User

Just block the graphics update, and leave everything else alone.


Follow my instructions in my previous post.


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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Hello _john_smith_



Thank you for posting on the Intel®️ communities. I noticed that you are having issues with the driver of your Intel® HD Graphics 4600, it keeps reinstalling and I understand that this is very annoying.


Due to this product being discontinued, Intel Customer Service no longer supports inquiries for it, but perhaps fellow community members have the knowledge to jump in and help. You may also find the Discontinued Products website helpful to address your request. Thank you for understanding.





Andres P. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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