Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Graphics problem with Core i3 htpc

I have a recently builded htpc, based on a Core i3 (with the on-chip graphics only and the Intel driver), running Vista Ultimate 32 bit.

When I first built the htpc, I connected it to a 1080p plasma tv and it worked fine. Now I have moved it to the theater room and connected it to an hdmi switcher that eventually goes to a 720p projector.

What is happening:


The computer will boot up all the way into windows, but at a certain point (I believe when the Intel graphics driver loads), the signal drops off and I have no video signal to the projector. It consistently displays everything from boot to Windows, and at the same point a few seconds after the desktop appears, the signal drops and is gone.

What I have tried:


I tried booting into safe mode and it works fine when the Intel graphics driver isn't loaded (but I need the Intel driver to display above the basic 800x600 setting of the generic windows driver). I tried uninstalling and re-installing the Intel graphics driver. I tried updating the Intel graphics driver to the latest version - same result. I tried several things that might help if it is an hdmi handshake issue - skipping the hdmi switcher and connecting directly to the projector, using the dvi output with an hdmi adapter, unplugging and repluggging the hdmi cables at various points in the process.

At this point, it appears that once the Intel graphics driver kicks in, the computer will no longer handshake with the projector over hdmi.

Any other suggestions?
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21 Replies

Tried reinstalling driver, and now even reinstalling Vista. As soon as I install this driver and reboot, I get the signal dropout. But the hdmi handshake is working, because I have video during bootup. It has to be related to this driver.

This is really frustrating. I can't use the generic svga driver because it won't go above 800x600. And I can't use this one because it drops the signal. I'll probably end up having to buy a dedicated video card (why did I get the i3 in the first place!?) to solve the problem, and then several months down the road a driver update will fix it.

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I'm having the same issue, except my intermediate switcher is my receiver/amplifier (Yamaha RX-V765). The receiver is HDMI 1.3a compliant. However, my TV is older and may be an older version (1.2, I think).

When I connect my ATI 4850 to the receiver, I do not have any issues. The Intel HD graphics (i3 530 + H55 mobo), however, has significant issues with this. If I hook up a separate cable and mess with driver settings, I can eventually get the HDMI output to work as intended, but the link is not always consistent, and it never holds on reboot.

The simple act of switching my TV from DVI to HDMI, which causes the reported HDMI output device to change from the amp to the TV, typically loses the HDMI video connection. This is poor behavior, since even if the HDMI connection manages to re-establish, it implies I cannot safely change the receiver to any other input.

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Yes, there's definitely a problem with the graphics driver. I hope it gets fixed in an update soon, so I can take out this noisy video card. Hope we're not the only ones reporting a problem - it doesn't look like this thread is getting much notice.

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I'm having a similar problem although in a much more simplified setup.


Core i3 530 using integrated graphics


Gigabyte H55 Mobo

Connected HDMI directly to a Sharp 37" LCD, Optical SPDIF out to Receiver

At least once or twice during recorded TV playback in media center the video will get jittery and/or it will black out. The TV detects that it was disconnected (shows no signal) then video will return and work correctly for a little while.

In event viewer I see igfx has stopped responding and recovered successfully which coincides with the screen blacking out. I've also noticed errors with DWM.exe has stopped responding, although these errors don't happen at the same time as the others.

Reinstalled the latest video drivers last night (drivers from 3/4) but I haven't actually sat down to play with it yet since it takes a couple hours to get the problem to show up again since it happens at some point during the show but is completely random.

I loved the idea of an i3 HTPC solution... but at the moment I just feel like I threw down all that money to build a new HTPC only to have issues

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It doesn't sound like we all have the same issue, but they all may be driver related. My problem is not intermittent - the display works fine as it boots up, goes through the Windows splash screen, and starts loading Windows services...then blanks out at the same place every time (presumably when the Intel driver loads). Works fine without the Intel driver, but then limited to 800x600

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I think DreamWeaver's problem is different. I have an issue when using HDMI output where I get some pixels turned white on the display, and they tend to follow polygon edges when watching movies. I had to drop the video output to 1080i to resolve the issue, but it seems to be a monitor issue because it also occurs when outputting HDMI from an ATI 4850 HDMI output. If I use the DVI input on the TV, it uses full 1920x1080 at 60Hz non interlaced without any problems.

RioRebel's and my issue seems to have to do with HDMI handshaking. Once the Intel driver is loaded, it often fails to properly handshake w/ the devices it is outputting to. In my case, I then have to connect the DVI cable and reset the display properties to use only the HDMI output.

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I may have solved my problem, and it turns out that it isn't a driver issue. On my amplifier, the audio output was set to "Amp + TV" so that any audio could also be output by the TV. This caused my amplifier to remove all HDMI audio settings not supported by the TV, and also appears to have complicated the handshake process. By changing the amplifier audio output setting to "Amplfier only", my handshaking issues appear to have gone away, and I can now set the computer HDMI audio output to any option supported by the amplifier.

I have not tried the computer with HDMI passthrough (when the amplifier is off) - it is possible that the handshaking issues return then. I will post an update when I have tested that further.

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Hi All,


I am reporting same / similar problem. My setup:

Intel core i3 cpu ASUS P7H55-M motherboard

Win XP 32 bit (i know, 32 bit )

Sony Bravia LCD TV via HDM and

Monitor out via VGA to another 17' screen

Essentially, the XP loads all the way untill the login screen. The login screen comes up on the VGA output, but not on the HDMI - Sony Bravia.

I have reinstalled the Intel Graphics Driver, upgraded, downgraded, you name it... Still the output via HDMI no go. Also, I have a DVI to HDMI cable, and tried that as well with the DVI output of the motherboard, and the same thing happens.

Any help appreciated.

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I am reporting same / similar problem. My setup:

Intel core i3 cpu GIGABYTE GA-H55M-UD2H motherboard

Win 7 Ult. 64bit

Panasonic TC-P54S1


When the Intel HD graphic drivers are installed i lose HDMI output from the PC to TV as soon as Windows loads the video driver. Unisntall the driver solves the problem but i am limited to a low res. Also if i reinstall the video drive without rebooting HDMI output works.

Intel needs to adress the issue along with all the Maucfactures that are selling these boards promoting HDMI.

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There are so many problems with HDMI you're very lucky if it ever works the way you want. Many of the problems are from EDID info, I found that a 1 or more Gefen DVI detective or like devices are essential. Get a setup working somehow, store the EDID then connect the device to yoru PC and it will output anything the EDID info told it was OK. I have solved 24p issues, HD audio issues and no video issues this way. The other essential item is AnyDVD software is required for sanity.

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OK, I'm seeing the same problem with my newly built Core i5 560 with ASUS H55 EVO motherboard. Also I can confirm johonn's temporary fix.

I have both VGA and HDMI connected to my Vizio TV. HDMI will work during boot up until windows 7 loads the Intel driver. At that point the display manager will stop detecting the hdmi connection. To get it back on HDMI, I will have to reinstall the latest intel display driver, just don't reboot after it's installed. Something in the installation process will trigger a detection and add the HDMI connection back.

It's definitely not ideal, but at least I won't be rebooting this computer that much since it's on 24/7. Also, it's a good thing that I can connect both VGA and HDMI to the TV so I don't have to connect another monitor to reactivate the HDMI connection. It just bugs me that I spent all this money to buy this bug that should not have past QA in the first place.

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i have the exact same problem. when i powerdown my windows 7 computer it loads bios, it then goes to 'starting windows', it then goes blank for 15 to 20 minutes and then hangs on the windows 7 welcome screen.. i have asus p7h55mpro motherboard with 8gb of ocz memory. when i have it plugged into the receiver it has this exact problem, but liker others said i can boot into safemode all day long with it plugged into the same receiver, same display.. so it must be the freaking out when the intel driver loads. now i can turn off the receiver and boot the pc and THEN turn the receiver on after the pc has booted and it works fine.. but why doesnt it just work with it plugged in? why do i have to find a work around ... i waited through 3 sets of drivers hoping this is going to be fixed.. my receiver is an pioneer sc-05 and it does get recognized by the system after i turn it on after the system has booted...

cmon guys.. fix these issues.. it is the same issue with all of these posters but different equipment so it is likely that it is the intel drivers.. also can we get proper 23.976 fps support for blu ray playback.. huh can we?? reclock shows that even though you set it to 23.. the refresh rate is still 24.001... can we get a fix for this as well... cmon guys...

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so yeah.. were are we with the solution... anybody have any idea... did the newest drivers help anyone with these problems?

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I have the same issue as many of the people here. My setup:

- A newly built HTPC

- Core i3 2100 processor

- Gigabyte GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 motherboard

- Fresh install of Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit.

- Connected to Sony Bravia KDL32W5810

Everything works fine using a VGA cable, but with an HDMI cable, I get a black screen straight after the windows logo appears during startup. I have tried both of the drivers shown on the downloads section of the website ( and, but with no luck. I have also tried the driver that Robert_U has pointed people at (Intel® HD Graphics Driver, also with no joy.

As for johonn above, the only thing that seems to work is to log on using the VGA connection, then reinstall the graphics driver and not reboot when prompted. I can then switch to the HDMI cable and all works fine. However, this is not ideal.

The main reason I bought this combination of motherboard and processor was so I didn't need a separate graphics card, but unfortunately I didn't know about this issue in advance and it just doesn't work as advertised. It appears that it's been a problem for some time now (this thread goes back to Mar-2010), so can anyone advise whether a solution has been found??

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Update: My problem seems to have resolved itself. Unfortunately I have no idea how, but am relieved that it all works as it is meant to!

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I`ve got a simalar problem. My Setup;

MSI H55m-E33

I Core 3 530

Windows 7

Hooked up to an LG HLB54S Soundbar with HDMI.

When I first turn on my soundbar into HDMI input and then turn on my HTPC I have no problems.

When my HTPC is running (recording) and I want to watch some tv I can`t get any picture. The reciever is not getting any signal.

When I conect my HTPC directly to my tv I have the same problem only my tv gets a somewhat scrambled signal. (just like nows when you don`t have cable signal)

First selecting the right input and then turn on de pc works.

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I have a Boiostar h55 motherboard

with i3 cpu

projection hdmi tv

2 gig memory

I can't get intelhd driver to work after reboot

if i reload intel driver and don't reboot it will wor fine hdmi video and audio ok

but if i rebboot system the drive will not fine the hdmi tv

What is happing during reboot that cutting off the hdmi connection???


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I have a similar issue as the rest of the people. I have an Gigabyte H55 MB and Core i3 540 and before the latest driver everything worked peachy. But with the new driver I have no video signal through my Onkyo AVR to the Projector when it is supposed to switch to 1080p at windows boot. However booting into VGA mode works. So as a test I connected the output of the HTPC directly to the Projector or TV and all works fine. So who know what intel screwed up with driver revision cause previous version worked well.


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100% confirmed it is the driver issue. Just installed the Feb 2011 driver and everything is working as it supposed to. I wonder if Intel screwed something up with their attempt to "fix" the 24fps issue.


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I am having the issue of HDMI working during PC boot, but TV loses signal just before Windows 7 log in screen comes up. If I use VGA to connect PC to TV, everything works fine.

My system is:

Asus P7H55-M Pro

Intel Core i3 530 2.93 GHz

Kingston ValueRam 2 x 2GB 1333 MHz

It appears that the poster Alex may have solved the problem with a driver update from Feb 2011 but I cannot find this update. I found one for April 2011 for a graphics media accelerator for Windows 7. I have not tried to install this update since I am not sure what it will do.

When I try the Intel Driver Update Utility, it says my graphics drivers are up to date.

I hope someone in the community can help me out with this.


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