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HD 630 have a bigger Graphics Video Max Memory than HD P630?



I notice a problem(if it actually is) recently, that products use HD 630, like 7700HQ, 7820HQ have a Graphics Video Max Memory of 64GB, according to pages in Ark.

However, products use HD P630 like E3-1505m v6 and E3-1535m v6 have a much smaller Graphics Video Max Memory of 1.7GB.

Why? Is there something wrong with its Ark page?

Also, I notice that laptop manufacturer today refuse to give an BIOS option to adjust the Aperture size, even in their most high-end series, taking my precision 7710 for an example. But for utilizing Intel GVT-g technology, a promising Aperture size is crucial.

How can I check the default aperture size of my laptop? Currently running Ubuntu 16.04.

Appreciate your assistance.

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Check out:

Then follow the link there where it reads:

" Robert I. (Intel)

Thu, 06/04/2015

Things are clearer now: there is a bug in the documentation on ARK, which we are working to correct."

But don't ask me why it takes 2 years...

Technical description can be found at: Datasheet, Vol. 2: 7th Gen Intel® Processor Family for S Platforms

Section 2.9 Graphics memory address ranges


Thank you for your reply, links you gave are of great help.

Just one more question, do you have any ideas about the relations between "Graphics Video Max Memory" and "Aperture size"? Are they interchangeable?

According to What is "Graphics Video Max Memory" and its impact on OpenCL?

"These are not HW limits—ARK team seems to have done a pick-and-choose from Windows Driver PRD without stating the limits' contexts. For example, 1.7GB is Win7 driver's limit—We support more on Win8/8.1. But all these numbers are N/A for Win10 (and other OS's like OS X, Linux, etc), where the max could be as high as the HW limit of 256TB (248)"

In FAQ ID # 59067 - AGP aperture - what is it, how would I adjust it, and why would I need to? it says:

"The aperture is a portion of the PCI memory address range dedicated as graphics memory address space. Host cycles that hit the aperture range are forwarded to the AGP WITHOUT need for translation. The aperture size also determines the maximum amount of system RAM that can be allocated to the graphics card for texture storage."

I also took a look at the Datasheet, Vol. 2: 7th Gen Intel® Processor Family for S Platforms, section 2.9, but there are too many terminologies thus I cannot make myself clear.

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Hello Cooper-Yang,

I am glad to hear the links provided help you.

Regarding your second input; on the second link you mentioned it states; "AGP Aperture Size is a setting in the bios of certain AGP motherboards". So, this is BIOS/hardware related. And, the Graphics Video Max Memory as mentioned before is not a hardware limit but a operating system limit. Based on that, I do not believe they are interchangeable.



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Hi Amy,

Sorry, I didn't notice that the link I gave use a term "AGP Aperture size". That's incorrect. What I want to ask is about "IGD Aperture size", which is Integrated graphics related.

According to , the correct answer gave the following information about this setting:

"Selects the aperture size for the Integrated Graphics Device (IGD).

The number of supported VMs can be limited by aperture size. If you need to enable multiple VMs in parallel, consider setting a higher aperture size."

Forgive me for ask again, is "IGD Aperture Size" and "Graphics Video Max Memory" interchangeable?

And if it is not interchangeable, and manufacturer don't provide such setting in BIOS, does it have a default value?



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Hello Cooper,

I would like to jump in the conversation if that is ok with you.

"IGD Aperture Size" and "Graphics Video Max Memory" are NOT interchangeable.

Graphics Video Max Memory specifies the maximum amount of system memory that can be used by the IGD as VRAM (i.e. video memory). The process of VRAM allocation is dynamic, meaning that if an application requires more VRAM, it can be allocated as long as it doesn't go over the amount defined here (note: in newer systems the maximum amount is defined by a combination of the OS and the graphics driver).

IGD Aperture Size is, without getting too technical, a definition for the size of the Graphics Translation Table. Applications interact with this portion of the memory, which in turn are redirects to the actual VRAM space (hence the "translation" part). If the Table is small, applications would need to do multiple queries in order to "translate" how to interact with the IGD. If the Table is big, then query numbers will be lower, potentially providing better performance. However, having a large IGD Aperture Size is not a good idea in 100% of the times, since this is space that would be permanently reserved, thus it won't be used by the OS other than for Graphics processing purposes.

There is no default, one value fits for IGD Aperture Size. I would suggest contacting your motherboard/system manufacturer so they can provide the best recommendation.

Kindest Regards,

Ronald M.

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Thank you Ronald. That's a very clear and precise answer.

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