Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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High cpu usage (since Nov 2014)



I have Lenovo C340 All-in-One, x64, Intel Celeron, 4GB RAM. I bought it with Win 8 and in January 2014 upgraded to 8.1. This year I upgraded to 10. Somewhere in November 2014 I started having very high CPU usage while browsing in all browsers (except IE which I don't use). While downloading files or previewing image heavy sites/flash player content. It happened all of a sudden and I firstly I blamed AVG Free which had version update near that time. I changed the antivirus but the issue remained. Now after two years of struggling with that I'm almost 99% sure it is because graphic driver (which currently is from 2015 and says it is the latest one). I asked in the forum of the manufacturer but got no replies. In Adobe forum regarding Flash Player being a part of this I was told to change browsers to x64 versions, but that didn't help. In Microsoft forum I was advised to perform safe mode reboot and clean reboot. But before doing that I wanted to ask here if rolling back driver or updating with the older, original one (from 2012-2013, as PC was bought and which I have backuped) would solve my problem.

Thank you in advance!

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21 Replies
Honored Contributor II

1) in task manager (or process explorer or process hacker) sort processes by CPU usage to find the culprit.

2) in all likelihood a driver from 2012 won't work under Windows 10. Or do you want to roll back OS as well?


The culprit is always the browser, tested all of them. Today I had issues with Mozilla x64 in Google Disc for example. The fan sounded like a helicopter.

I didn't know that, so that definitely is an another problem. I don't wanna change the OS.

I have Intel(R) Driver Update Utility and it shows that I need some newer chipset (or similar). It downloads it, then gives an error and the typing goes a mess. After restart the old driver (chipset) returns and the typing is ok. Tried that two times, seems the system/machine refuses this update.

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Honored Contributor II

I checked the data sheet of your rig

It reads "up to 3rd gen ... processor" and yours seems to be 2nd gen.

Don't know if Intel supports that still under Windows 10.

Does your rig have NVIDIA Optimus as seen in data sheet?

If so, you can force Firefox to use the GeForce GPU by creating application profiles for firefox.exe and more important for plugin-container.exe

That should solve performance issues.

0 Kudos

Thank you for the reply! Seems a bit complicated for me, don't know where to look for NVIDIA. On a first sight I didn't see anything NVIDIA in Device Manager. Searching for it or for GeForce in Windows search button also shows nothing. I looked in the original drivers backup and none of them is there too.

I see one new Intel driver compared to the original ones - Pci Bus

The issue started when I was with Win 8.1. I didn't have another option but to upgrade as 8 was very buggy.

0 Kudos

Hello vessto:



I looked on Lenovo's web site to try to find the drivers for your computer, and the thing is that this product was design to work with Windows® 7, 8 or 8.1, the computer is not compatible with Windows® 10.



What happens is that as you can see Windows® 10 gets installed, but at the moment to look for drivers since the system is not compatible with that software there will be no drivers available for it.



You can confirm that information on the following link:



This computer works with Intel® HD Graphics 2000 controller, and Windows® 10 does not support that version of graphics, that is why we do not have a graphics driver for you to test it.



You can verify those details in here: tab-tech_specs tab-tech_specs



So, the problem with the high cpu usage could be related to this situation of Windows® 10 not being fully compatible, however it can also be a hardware problem, and remember that warranty is provided by the manufacturer.



As an option you can go back to Windows® 7, 8 or 8.1, and try the drivers above, otherwise the best thing to do will be to get in contact with Lenovo directly for further technical or warranty assistance, since a BIOS update might be required:



Lenovo's phone number: 855-253-6686



Lenovo's support site:



Additionally we do have a tool to test the processor, you can always try it, if the processor passed the test then it should be fine:



To find out if the computer uses Nvidia drivers as well you just need to go to device manager and look for the option "display adapters" and you should be able to confirm that in there, but according to the specification on the link above it does not use Nvidia drivers.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Thank you very much for the details and links! I understand that in my strive to have the newest OS I put myself in a problem. I saw in Lenovo site that my PC is not listed in Win 10 compatible ones, but I saw it too late, after the major Win 10 update/upgrade 1067 failed for me. The strange is that issue started in Win 8.1 which should not be much different from 8. Probably Win 8 was installed from the importers here though as C340 AIO is listed to be originally with Win 7. My PC is out warranty already (it is 3 yo) and the service is in another country.

More and more I read I got the conclusion I should give up and to try to lessen opened tabs or to browse fewer image-heavy/flash player sites daily. My last hope is that there could be some dust in PC, it was never cleaned and this to slow some processors (at least I read something like this on the web).

Now I'll install the diagnostic tool and will post the result.

0 Kudos

Here are the test results for both CPU and temperature. Thank you very much for telling me about this tool. Just to add from where I read about dust related to high CPU usage: 13 Reasons Why Your Computer is Slow - Techlicious

--- IPDT64 - Revision:

--- IPDT64 - Start Time: 13.12.2016 г. 0:35:38


Processor 1


Intel(R) spbc Module Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Dec 13 00:35:39 2016

Test Result - PASS

..!!..Processor under test is verified as 'PRODUCTION'..!!..

Processor Manufacturer: GenuineIntel

Processor Brand String: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G540 @ 2.50GHz

End Time: Tue Dec 13 00:35:42 2016

Total Time: seconds: 3


Genuine Intel CPU Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Dec 13 00:35:42 2016

Test Result - PASS

Expected: GenuineIntel

Detected: GenuineIntel

End Time: Tue Dec 13 00:35:42 2016

Total Time: seconds: 0


Temperature Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Dec 13 00:35:42 2016

Test Result - PASS

Expected: Greater than 1 degrees below max

Received: 41 degrees below max

End Time: Tue Dec 13 00:35:42 2016

Total Time: seconds: 0


CPU Brand String Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Dec 13 00:35:42 2016

Test Result - PASS

Expected String Parts: As Defined in BrandString_LocalConfig.xml

Detected: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G540 @ 2.50GHz

End Time: Tue Dec 13 00:35:42 2016

0 Kudos

Hello vessto:



Thank you very much for providing that information.



Based on that the processor seems to be working fine, the clock speed was detected as correct, the temperature is also fine and as you can see it passed the overall test, so it seems it is working properly.



In regard to the dust problem, it is not that common but sometimes this problem could be related to that reason, to check if the computer has dust is always an option if you know how to open the computer.



When you use a operating system that is not fully compatible with the computer any type of performance problem is expected, so the option in that case is going back to Windows® 7, 8 or 8.1, even though it is strange the problem happened also with Windows® 8.1, that indicates that it could be also a problem related to hardware but in order to make sure about that, the next thing to do will be to swap parts if that option is available because sometimes the processor is embedded to the board.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Thank you very much and sorry for the late reply! I'm a bit relieved now, as the test indicates no problems. I will try safe boot with networking to see if the main OS drivers have conflicts. If this is the reason (as I hope) I should try finding the culprit. If that doesn't help I should call some hardware master to open and clean the machine and to see if the parts look ok.

I probably made some mistake in my strive to have useful tools and software. I uninstalled some programs and now Mozilla is 400-500 MB memory and not 600-700 as before. I had Acronis Free Hardware Monitor and it still has leftovers in Registry. I had two conflicting with OS programs - Abstract Curves and the software of my UPS (which caused OS to wants Windows activation almost on every boot). I also had Glarysoft Utilities. Some programs installed Microsoft Visual C++ (I have 15 versions of MV C++ in my program list now). An issue was detected with command prompt tools found in Microsoft site and I cleared it with CCleaner registry tool. But it wasn't connected with the high CPU usage.

0 Kudos

Hello vessto:



Thank you very much for sharing that information.



Yes, in this case that is pretty much the option left, to get a technician to open the computer, even though as we mentioned above the high cpu usage because of dust is not that common.



Since you are trying to un-install some programs, on the following link you will find useful information about how to delete the registry of those programs:



NOTE: These links are being offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel of the content, products, or services offered there.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Thank you very much for the link! I'll examine the registry and the mentioned folders for leftover from all programs I uninstalled for being OS intrusive.

After making safe mode reboot and/or opening the PC and having a positive result on the issue I'll post here.

0 Kudos

Hello vessto:



Perfect, thank you very much for letting us know that information.



Take your time and once you get the chance please let us know the results.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Hello vessto:



I just wanted to check if you were able to test the computer and if the problem still persists or if it was resolved?



Any questions, please let me know.






0 Kudos


Unfortunately still no, sorry, I left the safe reboot and cleaning of the folders for after the holidays. I will make it immediately in the first week of the new year. I won't be able to open it myself but will do everything else and will post the results.

I still think of to try to roll back driver (as the option is active) but I'm afraid that this could be a mistake. I also noticed that archiving with WinRar also takes up to 70% of the CPU but this can't be Graphic Driver related.

All the best!


0 Kudos

Hello vessto:



Thank you very much for letting us know that information.



No problem, take all the time you need to do those tests and please let us know the results.



To roll back the driver is always an option available in order to try to fix the problem so you can try that as well, you can install or un-install the driver on the system since in some cases depending on the configuration you are using the fact that you use a newer driver does it mean that it will work better



Just to let you know normally for this situation we recommend to install the chipset and management engine driver provided by the manufacturer, but in this case since there are no drivers for Windows® 10 this might not be available, also if you planning to open the system which is not recommended and it should be done by the manufacturer, please check that the thermal paste is there and that the processor is properly seated.



Any further questions about this matter, please let me know.








0 Kudos

Thank you for the tips! I just rolled back the graphic driver, it was exchanged with some basic Microsoft Driver. I checked the sites that cause high CPU usage and the situation was the same. So I updated the driver and the last one from 2015 returned. Now I know it is not driver issue, at least not in the current OS version as the original driver won't work in Win 10 and I can't test it.

My PC is out of warranty and the manufacturer has no service in my country. I know a good firm for cleaning PCs and laptops but I need to spare money to call them.

I'll do the rest of the thing with safe reboot and cleaning of registry\folders right after the holidays and will post the results.

All the best!


0 Kudos

Hello vessto:



Perfect, not problem at all, try the tests when you get the chance and let me know the results.



Any questions, please let me know.








0 Kudos

Hello vessto:



I just wanted to check if you were able to do the troubleshoot steps provided on this thread and if the issue still persists or if it was resolved?



Any questions, please let me know.








0 Kudos

Hello and my deep apologizes for not posting here so much time. I was ill for a long time and with long recovery so I wasn't physically able to test the PC. I'm back in real life from a week so I'll reread the thread and will perform what I still didn't. Safe and clean reboot seems scary for me as I'm with OEM and I don't have Windows installation disc. But I'll perform the other cleaning.

Being back at work with permission I tested there few sites I use at home. I'll provide screenshots. The PC there is with Intel Celeron and Win 7. I saw the CPU goes to 100% too but the fan didn't start to "howl". Don't know if it is because it office PC is with Win 7 or because it is not All-in-One.

Again sorry for this late reply!!

0 Kudos

Hello vessto:



No problem at all, it is really good to hear that you have recovered from the disease.



As you mentioned previously, when using a OEM product, before trying any changes on it such as BIOS update, un-install and re-install applications or programs, or re-install the operating system, we recommend to get in contact with the manufacturer of it and check with them if those are good options for the problem the system has and if they have further recommendations in order to try to fix the issue.



When using a different version of Windows and a different platform; the behavior of the processor will also be different as well as the results.



Perfect, no problem at all, take your time, once you get the change try the steps provided above and please let us know the results.



Any questions, please let me know.








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