Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20843 Discussions

INTEL will you fix Fallout 4 corruption via driver update?


As the topic headding says,

Intel has been looking into this as we're meant to believe.

A community discussion has been here since 5/5/2016 and I am still hopeful about the fix

Fallout 4 has had graphical corruption since updated to v. 1.3 of the game.

Can I please have an update on Intel's progress on solving the issues.

Since I use my HP tablet, Core M 6Y54 with HD 515

I don't really play but I mod on the tablet in my spare time at work and this is basically preventing from even bothering to try.

Skyrim works fine and I mod often with creation kit and test Skyrim on the tablet. It performs quite well.

As does Fallout 4. I get 20-25fps and am happy with performance. As I said I use this for molding as I have a monster crossfire rig for gaming.

I like to mod while on the go!

Screen Grabs included are game version 1.3 very heavily corrupted

But with latest updates and driver.

I am getting simple black lines and specific scenes missing objects such as toilet paper roll as an example or a shelf is missing with objects in free air!

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33 Replies

Hello ToxsickcitY:



In regard to your inquiry, there is no official information from Intel® stating that a new driver will be released, so, at his point there is no release date for it and it is not for sure that Intel® will develop a new driver, the case is still under investigation, but right now we will need to wait until Intel® provides further details about this situation.



Let me apologize for that.



Which Windows® version are you using?



Did the game work fine before?



One of the things that we can try is to un-install the current driver on the HP tablet, and install the latest graphics driver 4474 manually:



Instructions to install the driver manually Windows® 8 and 10:



Instructions to install the driver manually Windows® 7:



Here is the link for the driver 4474:



Did you check with HP directly in order to find out, if they have a new graphics driver?



Did you try a BIOS update on the HP Tablet?



What is the model of the HP tablet?



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

I use Windows 10x64

System has 8gb ram,

Hp spectre x2

I tried all drivers and currently run the unsupported 4481.

I have installed each updated driver to see if any change

I don't know if it is game update or latest drivers that made game less corruption.

I do have latest bios

I might install older driver tonight to test if it worsens again

I think drivers were better after the 4444 one.

I will look and let you know.

I really want this fully resolved as It's not just myself that's upset by this. Many users online complain

0 Kudos


SO further testing has proved that Intel drivers are improving as you see driver 4424 for windows 10x64 shows the corruption very badly..

where 4474 and both 4481 are both the same in terms of corruption level..

When Testing Fallout 4 I use low Settings Button and choose NEW GAME.. to ensure saved games don't change anything.

I have included some screen shots of the game and you will see the differences being very severe

The Screenshows show 4424 driver having alot of BLACK and cannot play

The screenshots with missing road and missing shelf are 4481/4474

so I am saying keep working on the driver, hopefully it will be fixed soon.

P.S. This is without changing Fallout 4 INI's as the method to make intel work without corruption is to disable GORE and disable USECOMBINEDOBJECTS in fallout.ini files

I dont want to use that setting as it damages saved games and will cause larger problems later being a bethesda game

Please see keep us updated

0 Kudos

Hello ToxsickcitY:



Thank you very much for reporting this information.



Since the driver 4474 did not work properly, the next thing that we will do is to try to replicate the issue in our lab.



In order for us to be able to do that, we just need a few details:



Please fill as much information as you can on the following chart:


QuestionsAnswers (N/A if not applicable)Provide a detailed description of the issue Please place an X to the right of the option showing how often you see this issue using specific steps. (Ex: 'Every few times a game is started it flickers.' <- This would be "Often")</span>Always (100%):


Often (51-99%):


Sporadic (20-50%):


Very Sporadic (<20%):</span>Brand and Model of the system. Hybrid or switchable graphics system?


ie Does it have AMD or NV graphics too? Make and model of any Displays that are used to see the issue (see note2 below).  LFP = Local Flat Panel (Laptop panel)


EFP = External Flat Panel (Monitor you plug in) How much memory [RAM] in the system (see note2 below). Provide any other hardware needed to replicate the issue.


ie: Cables&brand, cable type [vga, hdmi, DP, etc], dock, dongles/adapters, etc Hardware Stepping (see note1 below). Operating System version (see note2 below).<td style="width:26...
0 Kudos

Please fill as much information as you can on the following chart: DONE ...


QuestionsAnswers (N/A if not applicable)Provide a detailed description of the issue

Driver 4424 When launch Fallout 4 at any resolution, the game suffers heavy graphical corruption (blacks half the screen with what looks like damaged textures).

Driver 4474, when launching fallout 4 at any resolution also, suffers from graphical corruption in the means that some objects dont appear.

The examples given

Please always start a new game as using saved games will cause difficulties seeing differences from driver to driver changes!


On the walls shelves are missing and things like picture frames/vase other objects suspended in thin air, bathroom missing toilet paper roll, where the toilet paper roll is suppsoe to be is a black dot sticking throu the walls

looking outside the windows from living room the vaultec van is above the ground surface because the road is missing...

Some areas outside have black lines spanning the screen which are pointing to a mesh somewhere

Please place an X to the right of the option showing how often you see this issue using specific steps. (Ex: 'Every few times a game is started it flickers.' <- This would be "Often")</span>Always (100%): 100% every time I launch


Often (51-99%):


Sporadic (20-50%):


Very Sporadic (<20%):</span>Brand and Model of the system. HP SPECTRE X2 12-a001tuHybrid or switchable graphics system?


ie Does it have AMD or NV graphics too? Only Intel HD 515Make and model of any Displays that are used to see the issue (see note2 below).  LFP = Local Flat Panel (Laptop panel)


EFP = External Flat Panel (Monitor you plug in) LFP.How much memory [RAM] in the system (see note2 below).<td style="padding: 0 5.4pt; border-right-width: 1pt; border-bottom-width: 1pt; border-style: none solid soli...
0 Kudos

The Desktop i7 4790 wont play fallout 4 at all, even when try with enb helper. and other known fixes.

Sys spec i7 4790, 32gb Corsair Vengeance, ASUS HERO 7 MAXIMUS

game launches, click new game, starts loading then display driver reset error.

arhhh well. more intel woes!

0 Kudos

Hello ToxsickcitY:



Thank you very much for providing all those details, we really appreciate that.



Now, we will try to replicate the issue using the closest configuration based on the system you have.



As soon as I get any results, I will post all the details on this thread.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Hi Alberto,

I wanted to let you know, FALLOUT just updated again and now runs the version .exe

For me the corruption worsened,

I also wanted to let you know that in the fallout.ini if change the following settings (disable gore and combined objects)



this will solve the corruption, but This has been tested you MUST START A NEW GAME.

the fact that you cannot load saved games(saves where the gore has been enabled) without corruption occuring is why I question using this feature.

but this may be something for you to look at and see what aspect of gore / combined objects cause corruption to happen on intel graphics.

I didn't learn of this, a user on the intel community found it on steam or something..

A great find by the way!

0 Kudos

Hello ToxsickcitY:



Thank you very much for providing all those details.



At this point, we are still running some tests on the game, as soon as I get any results I will post them on this thread.



Any questions, please let me know.



0 Kudos

Hello ToxsickcitY:



I just wanted to let you know that I received the results in regards to the solution for this issue.



According to that information, at this point Intel is actively working on this issue that started since patch 1.3



The new updates and improvements should be made available with future driver updates.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

DRIVER 4501 works.

thankyou for your hard work INTEL

It has taken a while, but very glad this is resolved.

0 Kudos

Hello ToxsickcitY:



Perfect, excellent, it is great to hear that the driver version 4501 is working properly and now there are no problems with the Tablet.



Thank you very much for letting us know those details, and thank you also for your patience on this matter.



Any other inquiry, do not hesitate in contact us again.





0 Kudos

HI Alberto,

Thanks again for all your help,

I have seen some lite corruption with faces and think this is something possibly intel related.

as both my AMD and Nvidia Rigs both dont do this.

As seen in my screen shot, the faces are colourful blocky weirdness..

If it's possible to see if Intel can replicate this,

just a matter of fast-moving from location to location and see if any characters faces in the area look like this

0 Kudos

Hello ToxsickcitY:



I just wanted to let you know that we are currently working on this issue and this case is still under investigation.



We are trying to find possible solutions for this situation, please try the following driver, it is 4279 and let us know the results:



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

I have downloaded it,

I will try it at lunch time and let you know of the results

may I ask why trying an old driver?

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Hi Alberto,

I am unable to play using this driver, 2xxx

corruption is too great and the game crashes when trying to jump to new location "fast move" via the map. As son as the screen jumps to the loading screen to move location it CTD,

my saved game that I use for loading and viewing the face corruption loads normally the first time, this is a known issue from reading reddit posts!

has my character looking normal but if I fast move to different locations the corruption occurs on the face...

the game with the driver 42xx cannot load anywhere as it crashes and game corruption iis massive

0 Kudos

Hello ToxsickcitY:



In regard to your inquiry, the reason why we wanted to test the system with driver 4279, is because the problem could be related to a regression bug, and when that happens by trying an old driver in most cases fixes the problem.



Thank you for letting us know the results of trying that driver, we will do further research on this case.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Hello ToxsickcitY:



Besides trying the driver 4279, if the problem persists after that, in that case, please access the Intel® graphics control panel, select "3D" and the choose "performance", please let me know the results of trying that option.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Hello Alberto:

what about 15.40 driver version for Intel® Core™ i7-4500U and Windows 8.1 ?

now latest available version for my system - 15.36 and i have problem with texture bug in Fallout 4

0 Kudos

Hi Alberto,

I tried as you mentioned.

I installed the 4279 driver again and tried all 3, performance / balanced / quality

this driver when trying to fast travel game CTD every attempt.

Driver 4501 game does not CTD, but try all 3 mode perf/bal/quality makes no difference with the texture bug.

remember i use a tablet (hp spectre x2) 6y54 core m

The blokky rainbow can be seen sometimes at start of fallout 4 looking at yourself in the mirror.

or randomly moving (fast moving via the map) to see characters, sometimes they appear colour rainbow textured face

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