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Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21716 Discussions

Intel HD 5500 Falout 4 issue


Hi Intel,

Couple of questions.

1. When do you estimate to have released an updated driver to cater for the Intel HD Fallout 4 graphics problems?


2. I have seen that you have released a beta version you recomend but I cannot find any beta that suits my computer:

Computer specs: Lenovo Yoga Pro 3

Windows 10, 64 bit

Intel® Core™ i7-5500U Processor (4M Cache, up to 3.00 GHz)

Thank you for your help !

0 Kudos
7 Replies

Hello, PrivFallout:

I would like you to refer to the thread below, it has some workaround that you could try.

Your feedback regarding this is really important to us.


Esteban C

0 Kudos


I have tried both the Dxcpl tool and the other mod and with this i get the game started in window mode but with extremely low fps which make the game unplayable.

It seems like the persons in the thread eventually got it working by installing the beta driver which does not work for mei get the error message (translated from swedish):

"The driver that is being installed has not been validated for this computer. Download the correct driver from your computer manufacturer"

This is the website I am directed to by the problem: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/graphics-drivers/000005469.html Error Message: Computer Manufacturer Graphics Driver Detected

Hence I am in a pickle as the others got the game working with the beta driver but I do not seem to be able to install it.. would you perhaps know why ?

0 Kudos

Hello, PrivFallout:

I would like you to check the following information about beta drivers:

This beta version driver is provided to confirm pending driver code changes that address numerous reported game play issues. A list of issues addressed is below. A production version driver will follow in a few weeks, if the beta tests well.

This driver is being provided as a beta test driver, and while it has had limited validation testing by Intel, it is essentially a test driver and is not to be considered a permanent replacement for a fully validated and certified graphics driver.

Use at your own discretion: While Intel may or may not address issues found in this beta version driver, we do welcome feedback particular to the issues listed below that the driver addresses.

So indeed your feedback is appreciated for this type of issues, please check the link below and provide me with the information requested there, this is to further investigate into the issue.


Esteban C

0 Kudos

Any upcoming version of the beta driver or production driver that is validated and can be installed on my computer coming out soon, that i can try on my computer?

The beta from 5th February is not validated for my compueter and is denied installation on my computer hence I can not try/test it.

Ref above:

Computer specs: Lenovo Yoga Pro 3

Windows 10, 64 bit

Intel® Core™ i7-5500U Processor (4M Cache, up to 3.00 GHz)
0 Kudos

Hello, PrivFallout:

This would be the beta driver that could work with your processor, which has Intel® HD Grapincs 5500.

https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25749/Intel-Beta-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-7-8-1-10-15-40-?product=86210 Download Intel® Beta Graphics Driver for Windows® 7/8.1/10* [15.40]

Also, what is the patch version that you are currently in? (in the game).

I look forward to your outcome.


Esteban C

0 Kudos

My Fallout is running v1.

As I mentioned in my previous post is that I am downloading your beta patch from February the 5th but when I click install I recieve this error message!!!?!??


Look at the picture below!

Again, this is my computer: Why does this beta driver NOT work with my new and modern laptop!? and what can I do !?

Computer specs: Lenovo Yoga Pro 3

Windows 10, 64 bit

Intel® Core™ i7-5500U Processor (4M Cache, up to 3.00 GHz)

0 Kudos

Hello, PrivFallout:

Thank you for your answer.

About the installation of generic drivers with OEM devices. The manufacturer of the device is entitled to restrict the installation of drivers in their systems.

While using OEM systems like yours, the recommendation is to download and install the drivers from your computer's manufacturer website.

This is to avoid losing any special features or settings while using the generic drivers from Intel®.

As of now the way to go would be to double check with the OEM if it is possible to get this generic driver installed in your system.

Additionally, I recommend you to report this issue in the forum support for the game and go back to the working patch of the game (apparently it is 1.2).

Some useful links:

http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/288-fallout-4-general-discussion/ http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/288-fallout-4-general-discussion/

http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/products/Laptops-and-netbooks/Yoga-Series/Yoga-3-Pro-1370-Laptop-Lenovo?linkTrack=Homepage:Body_Search%20Products&beta=false Laptops :: Yoga Series :: Yoga 3 Pro-1370 Laptop (Lenovo) - Lenovo Support (US)


Esteban C
