Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20805 Discussions

Is there any working UHD Graphics 750 Driver for Windows 10?


Neither the HP Z2 G8 delivered driver nor gives any DP1.2 compliant 3840x2160 60p video output.

Everything is working fine in the UEFI Setup with 2x ASUS MG28U and 3840x2160 60p.

As soon as the Windows driver takes over nothing, this driver is unable to output 3840x2160 60p.

Forced 29Hz/30Hz work (either by setting monitor from DP1.2 to DP1.1 or by driver settings only till next reboot).

Is there a working driver or do I need to send back the system and exchange it with an AMD / NVIDIA based solution? 
DP 1.2 backward compatibility seems to be broken. the driver seems to drive the display with DP1.4 regardless if the display capabilities.

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1 Solution

This is a complete joke? isnt it? are you really from Intel support?

It is the worst support i ever got!


"The reason why "Putting in a none Intel Graphics card solves the problem", is because the graphics driver currently installed is the Windows* basic driver that does not contain the customizations done and advertised by HP."

That is completely wrong! And you know it! See your post above What your tool told you It's the opposite you are writing now!

"So, at this point, even though you mentioned that HP will not help, what we recommend will be to get in contact directly with them, especially since "the original installation from HP suffers from the same problem" to report this situation, to check if they can replicate this scenario using the same exact machine you are working with, to verify if they have more recent customized drivers available, if a physical inspection of the computer is needed and if the warranty options may apply in this case."

There is no physical inspection needed as the Hardware is fine just the stupid Intel Windows Driver is not working!!!

Get it you "technician" all your recommendations are a bunch of useless letters in a row!

I will go for AMD and never buy any intel crap again.

The iGPU are known to be the slowest on the market, as the Workstation is used as a lightwight Server that is not so important.

But Intel is unable to provide working Windows Drivers neither for Windows 10 nor for Windows 2019 not to mention the drivers are identical.

Even more worse as the drivers is the unwilling to help customer "support".

Better go for a real GPU or buy AMD.

Best regards

Stefan S.

View solution in original post

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12 Replies

StefanS, Thank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support.

In order for us to provide the most accurate assistance on this topic, we just wanted to confirm a few details about your system:

Is this a new computer?

Do you remember the graphics driver version installed when it was working fine before?

Did you make any recent hardware/software changes besides installing the graphics drivers?

Which Windows* 10 version are you using?

Does the problem happen at home or in the work environment?

Please attach the Intel® Graphics report:

And the SSU report as well so we can verify further details about the components in your platform, check all the options in the report including the one that says "3rd party software logs":

Any questions, please let me know.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Dear Albert,

yes, it is a brand new computer and the first start already failed because of that problem.

No, I don't remember, it was never working, I tried several driver versions all have the same problem including igfx_win_100.9684.exe.

I tested Windows 10 20H1 (preinstalled) and 20H2 (updated), now the PC is running Windows Server 2019 1809.

I can't attach the Intel® Graphics report as Windows Server 2019 does not supported UWP apps.

Update found a way to install the Intel Graphics Command Center. report attached.


Best regards

Stefan Szillat


0 Kudos

Hi StefanS, Thank you very much for providing that information, the SSU, and the Graphics reports.


Based on the information showing in the Intel® graphics report, we can confirm that the resolution 3840x2160 60p is supported, and on the SSU report, we can see that the graphics driver version currently installed in your system is, which is the latest Intel® graphics driver version available on our website:


"now the PC is running Windows Server 2019 1809", It is important to mention that driver version was tested and validated by Intel® using Windows 10 as Operating System:


Actually, HP too validated Windows 10 as the official Operating System for this computer, so it is expected that when using Windows Server some of the features and functions advertised by them will not work properly or will not work at all:


Keep in mind that the Intel® graphics drivers are generic, meaning they might or might not work with your platform. We always recommend to install the graphics driver provided by the manufacturer of the computer, since that driver was customized by them to work with your specific platform.


I looked on HP's website and the latest graphics driver version they have available is Rev.A, which should be the proper graphics driver for your system. So, normally we would advise to do a clean installation of that driver following the instructions in the links below, but for this driver to work, it is needed to roll back the Windows version to Windows 10, not sure if you have the option to do that or if actually you prefer or need to use Windows Servers as OS. Just in case, you will find all the details in the following links:


We also recommend to get in contact directly with HP support to confirm that the latest BIOS version is currently installed or to gather the instructions on how to do that:



Albert R.


Intel Customer Support Technician


0 Kudos

Dear Albert,

No, that is not an option and I also think it's an absolute waste of time, as with 99% certainty it will not solve my problem. As all existing drivers seem to be unable to handle DP 1.2 correctly or at least with the specific Asus Display I use. It worked neither with windows 10 nor with 2019. Also the original installation from HP suffers from the same problem, even if updated to the recent driver.

This device does not have a BIOS like all recent devices it is using UEFI (uptodate).
The driver that is used from UEFI works with out a problem that clearly shows it's not a hardware problem it's a windows driver specific problem.
And I feel treated badly, I already described the problem in detail in my first post, this is still ignored badly. No one looked into the real problem, instead I only get the standard bla bla solutions I already tried myself. That is only wasting more time instead of beeing helpful.

HP support is absolutely helpless as they relay on Intel support providing working drivers.

Also a test with a Linux booted from an USB stick was working without problems. Putting in a none Intel Graphics card solves the problem.
Changing from Intel to an AMD based system solves the problem for sure too and that is what I will do in the future.

Best regards
Stefan S.

0 Kudos

Hi StefanS, Thank you very much for sharing those details.

We are sorry to hear the problem persists after trying all those troubleshooting steps. In this case, if none of the steps provided previously fixed the issue, keep in mind that everything in that computer was customized by HP, they build the system, the customized the drivers and they should provide support for their product.

The reason why "Putting in a none Intel Graphics card solves the problem", is because the graphics driver currently installed is the Windows* basic driver that does not contain the customizations done and advertised by HP.

So, at this point, even though you mentioned that HP will not help, what we recommend will be to get in contact directly with them, especially since "the original installation from HP suffers from the same problem" to report this situation, to check if they can replicate this scenario using the same exact machine you are working with, to verify if they have more recent customized drivers available, if a physical inspection of the computer is needed and if the warranty options may apply in this case.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

This is a complete joke? isnt it? are you really from Intel support?

It is the worst support i ever got!


"The reason why "Putting in a none Intel Graphics card solves the problem", is because the graphics driver currently installed is the Windows* basic driver that does not contain the customizations done and advertised by HP."

That is completely wrong! And you know it! See your post above What your tool told you It's the opposite you are writing now!

"So, at this point, even though you mentioned that HP will not help, what we recommend will be to get in contact directly with them, especially since "the original installation from HP suffers from the same problem" to report this situation, to check if they can replicate this scenario using the same exact machine you are working with, to verify if they have more recent customized drivers available, if a physical inspection of the computer is needed and if the warranty options may apply in this case."

There is no physical inspection needed as the Hardware is fine just the stupid Intel Windows Driver is not working!!!

Get it you "technician" all your recommendations are a bunch of useless letters in a row!

I will go for AMD and never buy any intel crap again.

The iGPU are known to be the slowest on the market, as the Workstation is used as a lightwight Server that is not so important.

But Intel is unable to provide working Windows Drivers neither for Windows 10 nor for Windows 2019 not to mention the drivers are identical.

Even more worse as the drivers is the unwilling to help customer "support".

Better go for a real GPU or buy AMD.

Best regards

Stefan S.

0 Kudos

StefanS, Thank you very much for your response.

It is unfortunate, as mentioned previously, that the issue still remains after trying all the suggestions and troubleshooting steps recommended before, we completely understand and respect your opinion.

Just to let you know, for Intel® it is very important all the feedback and suggestions provided by all of our customers, so, I will send your remarks to the proper department for them to be aware of your comments and recommendations in order for Intel® to continue to improving and delivering better quality products to all of our users in the market.

Any other inquires, do not hesitate to contact us again.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

How dare you to insult me like that?

First you ignore me,

then you pretend to be a technician who know about what he is talking,

than you show you do not have a clue,

No one with technical understanding read my first post understood it and looked into my problem.

In your last post you are joking about me, that's not what a customer wants when contacting service.

I gave a detailed description of the problem if you would not handle after your absolute rubbish communication and support handbook and instead would read, understand the postings of your customers you would have by long put the handbook where it belongs in the trash and forwarded my request to someone with enough Knowledge to unterstand it.

It btw way same with the support contacting it leads to absolutely no where.
I gave you an exact analyze and description of the problem, even a workaround but that all got completely ignored, shame on you.

Instead of doing something you only come up with stupid things i should try that all lead to nothing.

I am a technician my self and it seems as i have a lot more knowledge than the support people here.

so my diagnose using intel support is a absolute waste of time got confirmed several times.

No one tries to replicate my problem to confirm that it actually exists.

Reading here shows the drivers are maximum beta phase and not useable for more than basic work.

Some of your postings are so stupid I don't even have words for them as they ignore everything that was discussed before.

Sending something like this:

"Just to let you know, for Intel® it is very important all the feedback and suggestions provided by all of our customers"

Is the biggest insult you can do to a thinking person.


Thanks for nothing

Stefan S.

0 Kudos

Hello StefanS, I just received another update on this case.

After reviewing the case, just to let you know, we wanted to follow up on this issue and although we don't have access to the exact same hardware you have we wanted to rule out a widespread driver issue, thus we tested a DP 1.2 monitor connected to a Gigabyte Z590 Gaming X and we were able to confirm it worked fine at 3840x2160 @ 60hz

This seems to be a compatibility issue with the driver and the ASUS MG28U display. We cannot guarantee compatibility with every single hardware device that is available in the market, but this is being reviewed by our driver development team [bug ID# 14013609554], in the meantime, if it is possible, what we suggest will be to test the computer with a different display brand/model.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos
Intel Hardware removed problem solved.
0 Kudos

StefanS, Thank you very much for your response.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hi Stefan,


I have the same Asus MG28U Monitor and a brand new Gigabyte Z690 Aorus Pro Board with a 12900K CPU and got the same issue. 

With my Acer 4k montior the UDH 770 iGPU works fine. But with the Asus MG28U I only get a black screen if I select the 60p refresh rate.

After over an hour I found out that Intel seems to have some issues with the Adaptive-Synce of this Asus MG28U Monitor. Intel Command Center shows that Adaptive Sync is active but somehow it only works with 29p and not with 60p. Maybe it's even an issue of Asus. I dont know. 



So if someone else have the "black screen" problem.

Go into the monitor Settings of the MG28U -> Image ->Adaptive-Sync and switch it to OFF

After this you should be able to activete 60p refresh rate in your intel command center 🙂 




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