Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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One of the problems that I encounter in IE on I7 6700k with igpu

New Contributor II

I don't know if this is a graphical problem, but for me it seems like it is :

I get this problem very rare and random.

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26 Replies

Hello, Ronin:

Thank you for the feedback provided, I will be further investigating this situation.

Just a question, when you say, "it passes 3GB" is this the amount of RAM used that is reflected in the task manager?

Will keep you posted.



Esteban C
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New Contributor II


Yes, in task manager. On 32 bit, on facebook, I never manage to scroll down till the end of all posts without getting an error. On 64bit, I can scroll till the last post with no errors. I did a test right now memory went to 9GB of usage.

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New Contributor II

It seems to me like there is a problem when graphic card reaches the max amount of 32 bit addressable memory. I think that on 32 bit memory assignment need to be split in groups, because of 32bit memory limitation.

Something is not right there.

0 Kudos


We have been trying to replicate this for the last couple of days and would like to gather up some additional information to continue handling this.

-Do you see in your Event logs a consistency in faulty modules? if so, which module is the one failing?


-Can you also replicate the issue if you default to the Microsoft Basic Display Driver or in Windows Safe Mode?


-Can you share the event log details with us for further review?

Hope I can hear from you.



Esteban C
0 Kudos
New Contributor II

Hi Esteban,

I just tested windows 7 on 3 different systems: skylake, core 2 duo and amd.

That StackHash error happened only on skylake, but now after few updates on video driver that error is almost gone. That error is annoying because it happened also on a music application that was using a convertor from 32bit to 64bit for plugins.

That error doesn't write anything in event log.

There is still a problem but I am afraid that it is really a microsoft problem. Even with Microsoft Basic Display Driver on a fresh windows 7 install, in IE 11 32bit on facebook you can not scroll down till the end of the posts. At some point it will give a message with: AppHangXProcB1. This error happened on all 3 systems no other addons or plugins added to IE, just a fresh clean install of Windows 7.

So this will be a problem for windows 7 and windows 8, 8.1 .

On windows 10 I reported this problem a long time ago and microsoft made IE 11 to work in 64 bit by default.

If Intel doesn't talk to microsoft to fix the problem (I doubt that ms is willing to fix it), there will problems on any system with windows 7-8.1, because they have by default explorer on 32 bit, and some 32 bit applications will crash, hang or not work correctly.

If you can test to see of this hang issue happens on your test system also will be nice, but at this point all I can do is blame microsoft.

Have a nice day!

0 Kudos

Hello Ronin,



Thank you for the answer and feedback provided!



I will be sending this over for review in order to find out how we can proceed.



Will keep you posted.





Esteban C
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