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Playing videos for a while freezes my computer (HD Graphics 630)


I've been using my computer for a while. But I don't know how to DXVA2, until about a month ago, I finally know how to configured and use that in MPC-HC.

Now, I think I'm having a problem with video playback with DXVA2. I didn't experience this when playing videos without DXVA2. Every time I play a video in MPC-HC. Usually just to listen to music of the video, so I let it in the background and make it replay over and over again. After playing about 20 minutes to an hour, it freezes mycomputer. I cannot move and click my mouse, the keyboard is not responding, and the screen freezes. The sound of the video didn't keep playing but rather just repeat a small part all over (kind of like a CD player keep reading and playing the same part on the disc), and I have hard reset my computer. In a month, I experienced this about 6-7 times.

This problem seems to happen with videos at any kind of format, resolution and fps. I don't know if this is my problem or if there is something wrong with DXVA.

Turning off DXVA and I can play videos for multiple hours without problem so I'm sure that the problem is related to DXVA.

I'm using Pentium G4600, with Intel HD Graphics 630, on Gigabyte B250M-Gaming 3, with latest BIOS. I'm using Windows 10 Version 1709 (Fall Creators) and it is up to date, I have this problem on both driver version and (latest driver - currently using). I don't enable any image and color enhancement.

Because I only MPC-HC 64-bit, which always goes with K-lite Codec Pack, for playing videos so I don't know if this is going to happen with other players. In MPC-HC, I use LAV Video decoder, and in MPC-HC Playback settings, I use EVR (Custom Presentation). I set Hardware Decoder in LAV Video settings to DXVA2 (Native). I do updated K-lite Codec Pack but the problem still occurs.

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1 Solution
Honored Contributor II

DXVA2 is used since Windows Vista, there should be no issue on contemporary rigs. Check out About DXVA 2.0 (Windows)

Since you are using the latest Windows version, you can use the new GPU monitor built into task manager.

Press SHIFT+CTRL+ESC to open task manager, select performance tab, select GPU.

Run a problematic video in an endless loop and observe "video decode", "video processing" and "GPU memory".

The culprit should reach 100% when your computer freezes.

Otherwise double-check the same movie in VLC or Windows' built-in media player.

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

DXVA2 is used since Windows Vista, there should be no issue on contemporary rigs. Check out About DXVA 2.0 (Windows)

Since you are using the latest Windows version, you can use the new GPU monitor built into task manager.

Press SHIFT+CTRL+ESC to open task manager, select performance tab, select GPU.

Run a problematic video in an endless loop and observe "video decode", "video processing" and "GPU memory".

The culprit should reach 100% when your computer freezes.

Otherwise double-check the same movie in VLC or Windows' built-in media player.


I was able to pull out that problem again, and yes, video processing, video decoding and 3d goes up 100% then the screen freeze. I think it has something to do with the EVR (Custom Presentation) mode in MPC-HC, it didn't happen in the normal EVR mode. The problem doesn't happen with video play directly on Youtube, and also with Windows' Movies & TV app. So it is a software problem.

Before switching DXVA2 Native (after digging around on how to enable that), I use DXVA copy-back, which as I know, those two are different, and didn't have any problem for half a year.

By a way, thanks for telling me.

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