Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Posts keep being marked as spam, again


This is my second time posting this issue. I've made 4 posts so far and all have been taken down for spam. The first 2 had links, which were all to Intel's own websites, and the 3rd did not. The 4th was a post about the previous 3 being taken down, and I was helped by @LeonWaksman in the replies.

He recommended that I edit the post and describe my issue there, and I did so. It was again instantly taken down as spam as soon as I published the edit, despite the fact I also attached my SSU report (as Leon told me to do). I have simply been copying + pasting the whole message, so it is certain that something within the posts is flagging the automod, however, I don't know what it could be. Possibly the fact that I included images? Any and all assistance is appreciated.

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6 Replies
Super User

Try again. Just before clicking on the Post Reply button, make an exact copy of your post and paste it into a HTML or Rich Text file. If the post disappears, tell us in this conversation and attach this file.


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I pasted the post I've been trying to make into an HTML file on Notepad and the text was fine. The only thing that disappeared was the images

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Super User

Where's this file?

0 Kudos
Super User

I just re-read you response. No, you need to provide the post content via a HTML or Rich Text file. These cannot be generated via NotePad; you need at least WordPad and (better) something like WORD.


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It's the same thing, no text disappeared. I've attached a rich text file made in WordPad and just added [IMAGE] where there were images simply for clarification.

0 Kudos
Super User

Just a side note: Please do not attached images for this kind of information. It makes the conversations very long and, if you are doing a lot of reading, is hard on the hand scrolling (finger). Capture the tool output in a file and attach it to the post. This applies equally well to DxDiag and iDSA reports.

As for the remainder of the content, I see nothing that I would have thought would kick off the automated SPAM filters. Perhaps there is something in the DxDiag/iDSA output that is doing it (ok, likely not, but I am as a loss to identify anything else).

Ok, just had a thought. Questions: Are you using the Reply button in another conversation or are you using the Post a Question button on a main forum page? If the former, when you have entered your question, are you hitting the Post Reply button to deliver? If the latter, are you hitting the Post button to deliver?


Ok, all that out of the way, let's talk about your issue. From the standpoint of integrated graphics, Intel has *never* supported its second-generation (or earlier) processors or chipsets being used with Windows 10. These processors and chipsets were already (in most cases well) beyond their End-Of-Life/Discontinuation dates when Windows 10 was released. Intel *never* provided a Windows 10 device driver that would support these processors or chipsets. The driver that you are using is a compatibility driver supplied by Microsoft. It is essentially a set of very old (relatively speaking) Intel graphics drivers that Microsoft put wrappers around to ensure a level of support for these older systems. As I said, very old.

As you have seen, the performance of these drivers is poor and their compatibility with modern APIs (DirectX, OpenGL, OpenCL, etc.) and games is dismal. That you have received this message from Minecraft is no surprise. Your processor has an Intel HD Graphics 2000 graphics engine. That it is only identified as having Intel HD Graphics is no surprise either; it's another consequence of these Microsoft compatibility drivers.

The bottom line here is that there is nothing that you can do to improve the results you are seeing. You have two choices,

  1. Purchase and install an older NVIDIA or AMD graphics card. I have found that NVIDIA graphics cards are much, much more compatible that those from AMD. Emphasis needs to be placed on the word 'older'; for 2nd generation processor-based systems, we are talking about cards like the (what I use) GTX 750 ti. I have heard claims of support for the GTX 1030, but I haven't tried this myself.
  2. Upgrade your entire system. This is the better answer. Your system is over 10 years old and failures due to age are likely imminent.



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