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Report: Problemas com a(s) api(s) em Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege na Intel HD Graphics 620


Estou reportando alguns problemas encontrados por mim ao jogar Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege no meu notebook com graficos integrados intel.(Não sei se este é o meio correto de reportar estes problemas mas gostaria muito de informa-los sobre estas informações).


Meu aparelho é um notebook lenovo ideapad 320 com I5 7200u com 8gb de ram ddr4 dual channel (2133 mHz) com a inel hd graphics 620. Atualmente uso a versão (versão beta do Windows® 10 DCH)


A partir dos drivers ja é possivel roda-lo em Vulkan (coisa que era impossivel antes) porem, ainda ha presença de crashes constantes nesta api mesmo não utilizando totalmente a quatidade de ram disponivel (ja foi relatado 95% no maximo mas não receio que seja este o problema pois os crashes também ocorriam em porcentagem menores como 80% ou 75%). Também ha ausencia de objetos (como fogo, fumaça, estilhaços, poeira, sague quando acerta inimigos, etc) quase que constantes. Também é reportado problemas ao ultilizar tela cheia em resoluções diferentes da que esta na area de trabalho, sendo este uma possivel causa de crashes. Com o Vulkan, o jogo fica bem mais fluido e com menos framedrops em comparação ao DirectX11 em meu dispositivo.


Ja no Direct X 11 tambem há recorrencia de crashes, porem são bem raros. Também é reportado presença de textura ou reflexos onde surgem planos pretos ou brancos em certos mapas com esta api sendo que em versões mais antigas (anteriores a, não havia estes problemas. Há presença de framedrops explicitos quando se deparam com partes mais pesadas no jogo entretanto, acredito que seja normal pois a api depende mais do processador.

43 Replies
New Contributor I

Sorry, I just went back looked at LuigiR6's comment and realized it was indeed intended for vulkan. So don't mind my first question, another questions though, do I have to keep IGCC open in the background (taskbar icon) or can I quit it after saving the changes to the graphics plan settings? 

Thank you!

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If I recall correctly, you do not need to keep IGCC open in the background. Also, I changed the settings to 'off' both in IGCC and in-game (though it shouldn't technically be necessary, because the IGCC settings 'override' application settings).


Hope it works for you! 😄

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olá mr.MarvinX, Não tive sucesso com o Intel Graphics Command Center, acredito que o travamento se deve a pouca memória porque a placa de vídeo integrada usa parte da memória ram, estou usando o driver com dx11 embora tenha problemas de textura às vezes o jogo não trava, desculpe pelo inglês. Estou usando o google tradutor.

New Contributor I

some texture bug examples


Indeed, can confirm these texture bugs are still present on dx11 on the latest drivers

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New Contributor I
Yes I have the exact same texture glitches on dx11, however they occur far less than the crashes on vulkan.

Regarding the IGCC though, it also turns off the anti aliasing for the game so would the 60 target fps adaptive render scaling still work as it uses the TAA anti aliasing? From my observations though, i think it’s TAA is turned off when I turn of antialiasing in IGCC because I can still increase/decrease the performance by changing the slider for fixed render scaling even though it’s greyed out.

Also, mr snouzer, i was suspecting it is a ram issue as well, but when I tracked ram usage with task manager I found that it’s almost always below 90% and never above 95%. So I’m wondering if that much of ram usage can still cause crashes?
New Contributor I

I think the problem is with the intel driver.

Well I don't think they would solve this problem anytime soon.

New Contributor I
Yeah i think so too, but I’m still testing LuigiR6’s method and so far it hasn’t crashed. One problem that came with it though was that after turning off vsync the game for some reason switches back to the high native resolution everytime i load into a game or load back to main menu. Because my native resolution is 2560*1600 so if I don’t switch it back to the playable resolution quick enough, it becomes very very very slow and laggy due to the high resolution, that i wouldn’t even be able to navigate through settings.
Have you guys encountered this issue or anything similar when you tested LuigiR6’s method?
New Contributor I

The Intel Graphics Command Center method crashed for me so I am trying the driver now. I downloaded it from a random website, but now siege is telling me the game is not compatible with this old driver, and when I tell it to continue, the game would get stuck in a black screen while also not letting me tab out or anything, the only choice was to restart. I tried launching the game three times and ended the same way. How have you guys managed to play the game with driver Do I have to launch it with dx11 and not Vulcan? Also, could anyone suggest me a website where they downloaded the driver from so I could try again from there? Sorry for the hassle everyone but it's really been a huge issue for me.

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New Contributor I

this driver works with dx11 and vulcan, but i recommend using dx11 because it doesn't crash anymore sometimes it has texture issues



link to download the driver:


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Super User

Please do yourself a favor and NOT use 3rd party driver sites like drivers cloud or driver easy. You never know what information from your machine they are uploading (and to what country it is going), and you never know what payload is in the packages they are downloading.

With Windows Update providing driver updates, and IDSA providing updates, that is all you need.


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Windows 11 is the new Vista]

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New Contributor I

Thank you, Mr AIHill, that is part of my concern when I was downloading drivers from non-intel sites. However the driver that we need to potentially solve the issue is no longer listed in the drivers and software page on Intel's official site, while all the new drivers seems to be causing the problem. Therefore I'd really love to hear any suggestions as to ways that I can find legacy drivers from Intel's source, as I understand the risks that come with a 3rd party driver site.

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about the friend above I don't care about him, he didn't even want help with the problem

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New Contributor I

Mr Snouzer, have you experienced this pop up (attached) when you are using driver


Apologies for the late reply, as I was busy with some commitments.


Regarding the IGCC trick on the latest driver, my guess was that the TAA slider still remains active because TAA is technically a grade lower than the anti-aliasing 'off' option within Siege. Also, about the reso switching back to native reso, a trick that worked was to reduce the resolution of Windows down to the reso you use in-game, then launch Siege.

Regarding the 3rd-party driver issue, Marvin, Snouser and I all note earlier that Intel doesn't even host this old a driver on the website. It would be really helpful. I totally agree about the security risks, but our hands are tied at this point.

Regarding the black screen on the older driver (, it happens every time to me too. When the prompt comes saying 'old driver, continue?', click yes, continue. And then when it hits a black screen, nothing works, but Win+D. Win+D will bring back desktop (takes 10 seconds or so for me, not instanteneous), and then again change to the Siege window whichever way you want. But every single time you're in the Siege window and want to change windows or minimise Siege to desktop, Win+D is the way. Rarely, Win+D bugs out to the black screen, and then alternating Alt+Tab/Win+D a couple of times helps me get out to desktop. Very rarely does it require a full restart.


Hope this helps. I totally understand your problem (been there, done that :') ), do not hesitate to ask if you face further problems, I (and others here too, I believe) will try our best to help you.


EDIT: The last paragraph regarding driver is only with regard to Vulkan. I do not run dx11 on that driver.

New Contributor I
Hi, thank you so much, the black screen isue seemed to have disappeared for me after using your win+D trick once. However after about 80 minutes the game still crashed unfortunately. So I wonder if you guys have managed to fully eliminate the crashes or does it still happen but is just very rare? Also, I reverted the changes made with the IGCC trick after installing the 26.20…. driver, should I have done that or did you guys combine the IGCC trick with the old driver?

I guess I will now try the vullan api with the newest driver, but use the same resolution across the system as in-game, since it is something that WTorr3 suggested as a possible cause in the original post of this discussion.

If none works, I guess I would have to give up the high performance of vulkan and return to DX11, which so far I think does not crash (except for some texture glitches same as snouzer’s) but I haven’t tested it much. If anyone has possible solutions to the dx11 texture glitches that would be much appreciated too!
Vulkan on 26.20... indeed does crash sometimes, but it is very less compared to the latest driver. If I recall correctly, it crashes mostly after 3 ranked/unranked matches.

About the IGCC trick, as I mentioned earlier, IGCC refuses to recognise Siege in any shape or form on my system, so I wouldn't be able to comment on it. It is definitely possible that combining the two tricks could reduce crashes. If no one else can confirm, I highly suggest you try out both ways for a bit.

Using the same resolution system-wide actually helps a bit, especially when I absolutely have to Alt+Tab/Win+D out of Siege (sometimes used to crash if different reso on system vs Siege). Do try it out.

I am yet to come across any workaround for the DX11 texture glitches, but if I get to know of any, I'll definitely post it here.
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New Contributor I

Hi again Mr Patstar, thank you for the help, in the past few days I tried all the drivers that have the possibility to fix the vulkan crashes as well as many combinations with other tricks like the reso change, but none have seemed to completely eliminate the crashes for me (some have possibly delayed the crash as you suggested, however I still wouldn’t risk playing ranked with them) The only thing I have not yet tried is the combination of 26.20… driver and the IGCC trick, but since both did not work on their own I really doubt the result would be different.

So I decided to move onto DX11 for the time being while intel tries to fix the issue. I have tested DX11 for two days and have not experienced any crashes. Regarding the texture glitches though, I think I have found a workaround. If the glitch happens during a ranked game, the fastest way to solve it would be to quit to menu and reconnect to match. This causes a map reload which I think is the only way to solve the issue other than restarting the game. (Also worth mentioning that people on internet also suggested resetting any of the graphic setting may help, though it did not work for me)

I would still be happy to hear any updates on the issue though since Vulkan really does provide a huge performance boost. I’d love to get off dx11 as soon as possible, it is still 10-15 fps lower than Vulkan after as much optimisation as I could do to it.😆



LuigiR6 is unable to respond here because of some login issue, he informed me that he found a new workaround, if you use the now-latest driver (released 14th July). He turned off match replays, and now he reports that crashes are almost non-existent on Vulkan. The very few times it crashes are only when he plugs in his charger while playing, or keeps playing for 5+ hrs. I'm yet to test this (have a few examinations to attend over the next 2 weeks), but will do asap.

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New Contributor I

Thank you! Although I believe I have always turned replay off, I will try this gain, and also with charger off, which is something I haven't thought of.

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yes I just pressed yes and continued

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