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Rolled back Intel(R) HD 3000 driver to Standard VGA Adapter and Can't Restore to Old Driver


I must preface this by saying that I am not great with computers. Baby talk appreciated.

So I noticed my laptop's graphic driver was version 8.17 something and from March 2011. When I attempted to use your site to upgrade to the 15. something version, I was first told my computer didn't meet minimum requirements. The next day, I did not encounter that and instead got very far into the installation process when I received error code 8007045d which told me I couldn't install one or more drivers for some unknown reason.

So being the genius I am, I got it into my head to roll back my driver to 2006 status which royally screwed me. Now when I try to reupdate to the 2011 driver I had before, it tells me it cannot due to an I/O issue. I've tried running a chkdsk, I've restarted my laptop multiple times, and I've even run a full virus scan with MSE to no avail.

Fixing my driver is not only important for basic-tier gaming, but I need it to help operate my external monitor that I require due to an accident that shattered my laptop's screen months ago. However, this problem started when I tried to update drivers so don't get any ideas. But some context may be helpful. A few months after I bought this brand new inspiron, my wireless adapter just out of nowhere crapped out before I had any other issues including the screen. I took it to multiple IT people at my university who confirmed I needed to buy an external wireless adapter. Basically I think my computer's a dud half the time.

Anyway, my specs:

OS: 64-bit Windows 7 with service pack 1

Laptop: Dell Inspiron N5050

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2350M CPU @ 2.30 GHz 2.3 GHz with 4.00 GB of RAM

Current Driver: Standard VGA Graphics Adapter version 6.1.7600.16385

Old Driver: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 version 8.17

Thanks, you guys are the bomb.

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5 Replies

Thanks for joining the community.

I am sorry you have been experiencing issues with Intel Graphics Driver.

It looks like this is a Windows registry corruption.

Please try the following recommend to try to solve this matter:

Run system restore, this will fix and restore the registry of the operating system to an earlier time. See below for instructions:

Also, try updating graphics drivers, but through manual installation:

Instructions here:

Download the zip version required for manual installation:*&DownloadType=%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09Drivers%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09

File name:


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Thanks for the reply, but I'm still stuck.

System restore did not work because my computer had not created any restore points for me to go back to.

When I manually installed the .zip version of the update, I was told I was already up to date with the Standard VGA graphics adapter from 2006.

I entered my computer model into the dell website and they recommended 4 driver upgrades but for other things aside from graphics/display. I guess I don't really understand what's going on. I downloaded the BIOS update from Dell (which seemed to work) and that's it.

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Thank you for the information. That's bad news you could not restore your computer to an earlier time.

I believe next step is trying to repair your operating system with the windows disk or reload the operating system from scratch, since I think this is Windows registry issue.


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I'm sorry, but could you elaborate on that?

When you say start from scratch, are you talking about uninstalling and reinstalling windows 7?

The few things I read on google about doing that seemed scary. I don't have that many files or programs I need to protect but still, I don't want to screw something up.

I'm not sure where to get an installation disc for cheap for free for Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium sp1. Microsoft used to offer it for free in the form of an ISO on digital river, but no longer.

Also, when I tried updating my driver from the windows updates icon in the notification tray, I got error code 80070002. Not sure if that helps. When I update the driver from the graphics and driver settings, I still get the I/O issue thing.

And thanks for your patience in seeing me through these dark times of computer illiteracy.

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When I say, "start from scratch" this means, you will need to re install the operating system using windows disk because it appears that your issue is not fixable through system restore due to registry corruption.

If you need a copy of your operating system you can get this at any computer store around your area or accessing Microsoft online store:


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