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Screen distorted/ garbled in Windows 7 with Intel Integrated GMA 4500MHD


Hi, I have recently installed a Windows 7 Pro. 32-Bit on my Dell Studio 1537 . But the screen gets distorted/scrambled, especially when using windows media player or any other video player, sometimes even after some time of time of regular use! So far the problem emerges only when using "Aero" settings.

My laptop configuration is:


Dell Studio 1537

Intel N-Series Intel Core 2 Duo P7450 with Intel Integrated GMA 4500MHD

2.13 GHz, 1066Mhz, 3MB


I am using the driver for Vista, since it's the only driver u can find for this model and apparently it's compatible with Win. 7 !

I see that other laptops that have the same Intel GMA 4500MHD integrated graphics card have similar problems.

you can see this at: , or at the pictures below.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

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3 Replies

I am having the same exact problem with my Dell 1737. I have been working with Dell Solution Station for 3 days to try to find a solution. They are not much more knowledgeable than I am but since I am paying for their service I will let them continue to try. My guess is the 4500 isn't compatible with Aero or they need a new driver. Have any idea how we get Intel to address this? If I get a solution from Dell I will post it.


I have been trying to do the same with Dell, but after transfering my call from one department to another for several times - nobody knew what to do with the problem, not much of a hepl to get.

I have been looking at the Intel page and numerus forums, although the porblem (more or less the same problem occcurs) is complained on many occasions, aperantly there is still no solution, Intel only sugests to try with the lates update for 4500, it is nothing more than an Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Mobile- I noticed some difference in the speed, but it does not adress the problem at all- its all the same.


Yes the problem so far only occures with Aero settings , I believe that they def need new driver!

Please post if you find solution for the problem!


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I searched numerous forums on this issue and finally found several people that had simply changed their memory stick configurations so that they matched. There are two slots generally, and to match them users had either placed two 2 gig sticks or two 4 gig sticks in the slots. Removing an unequal stick from the second slot also worked, which is what I did. I convinced Dell that it was a hardware issue and they sent a technician who also replaced the mother board but I am sure it is the memory stick that was the issue. I had to remove a 2 gig stick from the second slot so it took me from 6 gig to 4 gig but the computer works fine now in full aero mode. The Blue Ray drive also now works with out graphics hang ups. Dell refuses to admit it is a memory management problem. I will not buy another Dell. I have switched to Apple Macs, much more reliable so far.


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