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Screen is not working properly

New Contributor I
I have updated my Acer laptop Nitro 5 to windows 11. And when I was playing Just Cause 4, screen suddenly started to flicker. All pixels went wrong and the display collapsed. But whenever I change my display adapter to Microsoft Basic adapter, screen works fine. And I have 2 GPUs, intel integrated and nVidea dedicated. And I has the lastest intel graphics driver. But whenever I have shifted to intel hd driver, my display keeps flickering. I've attached the pics.
*But display looks fine when using Microsoft basic adapter*
I can use the basic driver, but that's just a basic, right. . It will be so helpful if you propose me a good solution. Thanks
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22 Replies
New Contributor II

Screenshot gives intermediate video processing result direct from video memory. Photo gives final result on display.
OpenGL programs work with driver by different way. "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter" sets frequency of display 64 Hz.

Universal MBDA works with different graphic cards via their specialized Video BIOS in universal VESA Modes.

The most important thing in VESA Modes is the ability to quickly transfer video data in blocks as in ordinary video drivers and not in very slow separate pixels.

"Microsoft Basic Display Adapter on Windows 10"

MBDA is very easily checked when reloading in Safe Mode.

Simple desktop icons and text on image 20211114_145650.jpg are fine but exists problem with complex visual effects on control elements.
There are simple Notepad, Paint for quick test. It's possibly overgaming.




Hello @Christan

Thank you for your response.

Since the issue persists even after trying a Windows 10 clean install, the best is to check this directly with your OEM. We understand that you have already posted on the ACER* website, therefore, at this point, our recommendation is that you continue working with ACER* Support.

Having said that, we will proceed to close this inquiry now from our end but we will leave the thread open in case other users want to participate. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Thank you for your understanding and for all your efforts.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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