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SolidWorks 2010 incompatible with Intel integrated graphics


My system is a Lenovo T410 with Intel HD graphics, driver version, OS Windows 7 64bit, CPU Intel core i5.

I am attempting to run SolidWorks 2010 sp4, but the program quits immediately with an error. SolidWorks does not support integrated graphics, but in my experience it would always run albeit with reduced performance. The complete failure to run is new to me.

SW will run under the generic windows VGA driver, but in this case I lose display functionality including multiple monitors etc.

Does anyone here have experience getting SolidWorks 2010 or other OpenGL 3D intensive programs to work with Intel graphics? Are there any known workarounds, such as older driver versions or third party add-ons? Can I use a graphics card emulator to "spoof" SolidWorks? Any third party driver equivalent to the generic VGA driver that would at least let me use extended desktop on dual monitors?

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2 Replies

I am having the same issue with and HP (compac) 6710b Core2 Duo wint an intel 965 express chipset. Again this is also the 1st time I have not been able to run the software. I can usually run Solidworks but just at a reduced performance level. Let me know if you get any answers. I checked with the Solidworks site and of course NONE of the intel video chipsets are supported. I hope there is something that can be done.

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I still have no solution, and of course SolidWorks was no help. I spoke with the vendor (CapInc), and while they agreed that my chipset is one of the most common in "business" laptops, they said SolidWorks expects engineers to have more powerful workstations. I don't think SolidWorks has quite caught on to the modern, mobile work style. If you look at the list of supported graphics, the only laptops that are supported tend to be heavy desktop-replacement beasts.

Anyway, the only workaround I have had any success with so far is to disable the Intel graphics adapter when I need to use SW, then re-enable it the rest of the time. Obviously, this is only helpful if you don't use Solidworks every day, or if you can live with the reduced functionality of the Windows generic graphics driver (no dual display, limited resolution support, etc.)

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