Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Startup Error igfxext Module has stopped working


Windows 7 Pro 32bit

The graphics drivers list this as an Intel HD Graphics Driver, version

The machine was infected with malware but is now clean. I've uninstalled and cleaned out the offending igfxext.exe and ensured there were no registry entries for igfxext.exe and reinstalled the latest drivers.

I have seen this issue mentioned on other forums and found they resolved this by disabling the IGFXtray, Hkcmd and igfxpers from startup but the issue on this PC remains. With the intel drivers uninstalled the system boots fine, with the obvious limited display options.

Is there a recommended method of ensuring all traces of the video drivers are removed before attempting a reinstall or is there some other way of correcting this?

Other than the popup every time the user logs in the system runs fine, with all video options seemingly working.

Many thanks in advance, I have been tearing what little hair I have left out over this issue!

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3 Replies
Valued Contributor III


We have not seen any similar issues with the generic drivers we provide for that video controller.

You could try using version 2509 available on the following site and see if the issue persists:**

Keep in mind that this is a generic driver. However each Original Equipment Manufacturer provides their set of customized drivers to support the changes they make on their systems. So we always suggest using the drivers that are directly tested and provided by your computer or motherboard manufacturer.

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I have a Lenovo x220 and I beleive that this happened when I went to "Update and Drivers" as I do periodically. As part of the update, I downloaded and installed the the new "GT1/GT2 Display Drivers (". I have reinstalled it several times from both Lenovo's site and Intel's, tried to delete igfxext.exe etc. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas on how to roll back to the driver before this update? I have to imagine not a coincidence that as soon as I downloaded I keep getting this error. I don't think having any affect on my computer's performance but one of those things that will keep me up;-)

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I had exactly the same Problem with my acer Notebook. I downloaded the Graphics Driver from the acer-homepage, uninstalled the generic Intel driver and reinstalled the acer-driver. This did not help. Then I renamend the "igfxext-exe" (you'll find it in "windows" - "system 32") and dragged the "fresh" igfxext-file from the unzipped acer installation folder into the system32 Folder and deleted the dammaged file which I renamed beford. In my case, this worked.

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