Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20812 Discussions

The Riftbreaker issue on A770 GPU when RT is enabled the game won't run sometimes.

New Contributor II

This is an issue raised from another thread. 


RT worked the first time I tried the game.


The Riftbreaker has issues with the shadows when RT Ultra is on, they flicker like crazy.


Additionally, after how glitchy it was I disabled RT in the game and the game ran without glitches on my TV.


Then I switched from my TV to my 1440p monitor and everything worked well without RT, as expected.


However, I tried to turn RT on again while ingame to check if that happened at 1440p too, and I got this error. Now I can't enable RT anymore without the game crashing.


Reinstalling the game or the drivers did nothing to fix the issue. A screengrab showing the error.




I found out that if you set the resolution to 1280x720 then it works! I tried 3840x2160, 2560x1440, 1920x1080 and 1600x900 and the game showed that typical error. However, at native 720p everything runs fine and dandy with RT on.

These are my settings:



This is the game running with the above settings (RT enabled) but at 720p instead of 4K: 




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7 Replies

Hello laxesta,  


Thank you for contacting Intel Technical Support for graphics.  


We are sorry to hear you experience problems with game crashes Intel® Arc™ A770 Graphics. We are glad to assist.  


  • Check any game updates. 
    • What is the game/program Distribution Service the game ( Blizzard, Epic, Origin, Steam, Xbox, Ubisoft connect)? 
    • If the system includes onboard graphics, try it with integrated graphics lowest
    • configuration for testing/reproduction of the problem, does the crash happen? 
    • If you have an available 3rd party dedicated graphics card AMD/NVIDIA, does the problem happen as well? 
    • What is the step-by-step for reproduction purposes? 
    • In case you upgraded from different graphics card, follow the website steps to remove any former unnecessary/conflicting driver files How to Use the Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) to Uninstall an Intel® Graphics Driver 
    • Try Clean Installation of Intel® Graphics Drivers in Windows ((manual step by step walkthrough click here) or checkmark the box from the downloaded .exe driver installer window)


Please download, run and reply back attaching the .txt file of the tool Intel® System Support and a graphics report (For download go the link ).  


Thank you for choosing Intel. 


Best regards, 


Luis A. 

Intel Customer Support Technician.  

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New Contributor II
In regards to your questions....
  • Check any game updates. 
The game is up to date.
  • What is the game/program Distribution Service the game ( Blizzard, Epic, Origin, Steam, Xbox, Ubisoft connect)? 


  • If the system includes onboard graphics, try it with integrated graphics lowestconfiguration for testing/reproduction of the problem, does the crash happen? 

No onboard graphics, the only GPU available on my PC is the A770.

  • If you have an available 3rd party dedicated graphics card AMD/NVIDIA, does the problem happen as well? 

Dunno, I haven't tried. Also I don't have a RT compatible nVidia card (I just have a 1060 3GB and a GTX 1080, so no RT, which is where the problem resides).

  • What is the step-by-step for reproduction purposes? 

What I explained in the first post. Launching the game with RT enabled or enabling RT in the game then starting to play it at any resolution other than 720p.



In addition, I performed a new installation of Windows 11 when I got the A770 at launch date, and I always clean installation when new A770 drivers are published.



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Hello laxesta, 


Thank you for the updated information. In order to investigate further , may we get the system report.


Please download, run and reply back attaching the .txt file of the tool Intel® System Support and a graphics report (For download go the links 

· ).  



Best regards, 


Luis A. 

Intel Customer Support Technician.  

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New Contributor II

hello again @LuisGustav_A_Intel .


The SSU report file should be attached with this post.

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Hello laxesta


Thank you for the update. Let me investigate this problem and as soon as possible I will provide updates.  


Best regards, 


Luis A. 

Intel Customer Support Technician.  

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New Contributor II

hi @LuisGustav_A_Intel 


The game is working with RT on after installing the new driver, the 4090. It shows the typical glitches related to shadows in RT mode but other than that it's running at 1440p with RT on. However ,once I tried to enable XeSS the game crashes and returns to the desktop.


Worse yet, games like Redout 2, which are compatible with XeSS, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Martha is Dead -which seems to be fixed with the new patch- have XeSS options unavailable. So now there is some issue with XeSS.

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Hello laxesta


Thank you for the updated information. The game Riftbreaker shadows problem with RT not working properly is already being investigated under bug ID 18024541323 and the driver developer team will work on a fix, though there is no defined date for that solution.


I encourage you to open up separate threads for different problems in order to avoid confusing information for any future reported problems.


It was a pleasure to assist you. This thread will no longer be monitored

Best regards, 


Luis A. 

Intel Customer Support Technician.  

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