Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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The latest video driver (15.45) doesn't work properly


I own a noname mini PC (something like Intel NUC, but from noname Chinese manufacturer). It has Intel Core i7-6500U with Intel HD Graphics 520. I run Windows 10 with latest updates (build 14393.447) on it. I have been using previous release version of Intel Graphics Driver ( for a couple of months without serious problems. It (driver) actually sometimes crashed in video player (Daum PotPlayer) with enabled hardware acceleration, but it was quite rare, and after disabling hardware acceleration in video player there were no problems at all. The crashes looked like strange display artifacts, and system stopped responding, only "hard" shut down (pressing and holding power button) helped.

But after installing the latest Intel Graphics Driver ( the system crashes every time in about 30-60 seconds after loading Windows. It doesn't matter if I log into my account, or if I stay on login screen - it crashes anyway. It doesn't matter what I do during those 30-60 seconds. Notice, that system doesn't crash immediately. I can log into my Windows account, open apps, etc., everything works, but after 30-60 seconds it crashes. The crashes look the same as in case of hardware acceleration in video player - strange artifacts and system doesn't respond. Video that shows the artifacts.

The only way to make system to work properly is by returning to driver by any way - by using Windows System Restore, or by loading in Safe Mode and manually installing it (driver). Actually the same problem occurred with driver that came out several days before and was automatically installed by Windows Update.

The fact that system has been working properly with driver gives me hope that problem can be solved in future versions of driver. Maybe there are some diagnostics tools, or some special versions of driver with enabled debugging that would allow me to provide more technical information about problem? I'm ready to collaborate and, as I said, problem is easily reproducible for me.

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13 Replies

Hello feroxyth,

Thank you for joining the Graphics Community.

Keep on using the previous driver version(4501), I will review your case and request more information if necessary.

Thank you for your help.



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/thread/108245 feroxyth, I want to take a better look at your case; could you please install the driver from our site using this method How to Manually Install an Intel® Graphics Driver in Windows® 10 &... ? Here is the file Download Intel® Graphics Driver [15.45]. One more thing I need is your memory dump, so please once you access safe mode and install the driver use this steps to get the dump file; Windows Memory Dumps: What Exactly Are They For?

The content on the above site is not controlled by Intel. This information is offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel for the merchants or services offered there.



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@intelcorp, there are no dump files after crashes (neither minidump nor memory dump). As far as I understand dump files are created only in case of BSOD, but I don't have a BSOD during those crashes. I think I haven't seen a single BSOD on my Windows installation (I installed it about 2 months ago), so I think that's why there are no dump files at all. I've checked all settings (pagefile and system failure), everything is configured for getting dump files, the only problem is that I don't have BSODs .

Actually I don't even see entries in Windows Event Log near the moment of crash. As far as I remember crashes related to hardware acceleration in video player created an entry in Event Log (something about video driver being stopped and recovered, don't remember exactly). So it looks like the "new" crashes (related to the latest version of driver) are not exactly the same as the "old" (related to hardware acceleration in video player), but artifacts look similar.

Here is a new video that shows how normally working system crashes, without BSOD.

PS: almost forgot to mention - when I installed driver manually (from zip archive), system crashed (with the same artifacts) immediately after installation, without reboot. When I installed driver "normally" (using exe file), system crashed only after reboot.

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Hello feroxyth,

I'm curious about this one since we haven't seen this behavior with our new 15.45 drivers in our test lab.

When the system crashes with the artifacts, what happens if you unplug the cable (is it HDMI, DP or DVI?) and plug it back in?

Are you using any video adapter or converter by any chance? I'm not implying that it would be incorrect to use any, I just want to isolate what could be triggering this behavior in your setup that is different to what we have here.

Can you also provide details on the memory configuration? (e.g. brand, model number, total amount).

Now this might be asking too much, but have you checked if there is a BIOS update for your mini PC?


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@Ronald_Intel, I started from BIOS update. It turned out there was a newer version, and I had successfully updated BIOS. But problem remains after BIOS update.

If I replug video cable (it's HDMI-DVI by the way, HDMI on PC side, DVI on monitor side, my monitor doesn't have HDMI port) during artifacts, nothing changes - the artifacts continue after I plug it back. I've also tried to connect monitor using VGA cable instead of HDMI-DVI, and there were the same artifacts. Maybe "pattern" of artifacts was slightly different, but essentially it was the same problem. I've also tried some crazy stuff - I connected monitor using VGA, waited for artifacts, disconnected monitor and connected it back using HDMI-DVI instead of VGA. I'm not sure if such manipulation is valid in general, but in my case monitor was black after that manipulation, it looked like it was disconnected.

I don't have any video adapters or converters. I use a HDMI-DVI cable, but I'm not sure if it can be considered a video adapter / converter.

Memory: 2x Kingston RB16D3LS1KBGR/8G (DDR3-1600) working in dual channel mode, 16GB in total. When I just got my mini PC I had tested memory in memtest86 (or memtest86+) tool, there were no errors, but I don't remember what set of tests I used, I can recheck it again if needed.

I've attached reports of Motherboard and Display sections from AIDA64 tool. Maybe there is some useful information.

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Hello again feroxyth,

This one could be a stretch since your system may not cooperate enough with us, but it is worth trying.

If possible, try capturing the DispDiag.dat file while using The best way to produce a clean DispDiag.dat would be following these steps:

1. Install .4542 driver.

2. Reboot (or if it crashes, move to next step).

3. Run DispDiag. For more information how to this, check here: Extract Useful Information for Troubleshooting Issues with Intel®...

4. If the system crashes again, try running DispDiag one more time.

5. Once this is done, or if the crashing continues, feel free to uninstall .4542.

The last DispDiag that you capture could help us identify what is going on here.


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Ronald_Intel, here is the file generated by DispDiag tool.

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Got it!

Let me run this with our developers and I'll let you know what we can find.

Many thanks for all your assistance.


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Hi again feroxyth,

I was able to look at the file you kindly got for us, but couldn't identify any gap in the software that would cause this behavior.

Since the driver baseline 15.45 is brand new code, you can be sure that newer builds will be released. I'll suggest keeping the driver .4501 installed, and when a new driver is released you can try it out, and let me know if it works correctly on your system.

If any other user following this thread experiences this exact same issue, please let us know by reporting it using the following format:

Kindest Regards,

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I experienced the same issues with my PC. I think it's similar to feroxyth's, with i7-6600U: KINGDEL

I tried everything and all drivers available at the download center, including BETA, and the result was freezing, same artifacts or unexpected reboots after a few secons or minutes.

I had a blank screen when the PC entered sleep mode, so I found this: Black screen after Sleep mode in Windows10 - Microsoft Community

And after changing the energy plan from "balanced" to "high performance" and disabling the "Turn on fast startup" option, after 8 hours it works without any issue.

I don't know why, but it works with the last driver! Maybe it works with feroxyth's PC.


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Hello uraken,

Thank you for your input here!

We are working on a new build of 15.45, so please keep an eye on the Community site. I'll post the update once available.


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uraken, yes my PC looks very similar to yours, though it has light color case and brand's name is EGLOBAL.

I confirm that switching to "High performance" plan in Windows Power Options solves the problem ("Turn on fast startup" was already disabled in my case). It's actually very funny - PC works as long as "High performance" is chosen. If I switch to "Balanced" PC crashes immediately with the same artifacts. Switching to "High performance" also fixed Sleep mode and "Turn off the display" feature in power plan settings. With "Balanced" my PC wasn't able to wake up from Sleep mode, or turn display on after it was turned off by Windows.

Thanks for sharing info!

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You're welcome!

I'm glad to hear it. I hope that Intel finally will fix it. It's very annoying and it was serendipity to find out.

Have a nice day!

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