Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Windows 8.1 drivers for 2nd generation Intel HD Graphics (3000)


So, I read the Graphics — Microsoft Windows 8* and Windows 8.1* Support FAQ.

Will 2nd gen ever get proper WDDM 1.3 support? I'm having a lot of issues with the current driver. The most annoying are artifacts, images that disappear (black square) and weird drawing happening on different browsers and also on some Metro Apps.

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2 Replies
Valued Contributor III

WDDM 1.3 will be fully supported by 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® HD Graphics. If your system is using a 2nd generation Intel® HD Graphics, this will only have WDDM 1.2 support and the drivers for it will be provided only by the operating system itself and updates for it would be available through Microsoft* updates.

For this you can check the following Microsoft* article that includes a driver for your controller: Windows 8.1 x86 and x64 graphics driver availability status (Windows)

Keep in mind that as this driver is provided by Microsoft*, you should check with them directly for any issues you may encounter while using it.

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2 years support only? please reconsider. wddm 1.2 on windows 8.1 is bad performing compared to windows 8.0 or 7.0. but windows 8.1 has direct x 11.2 (software support as opposed to hardware 10.1) and other advantages and therefore we need wddm 1.3 in order to properly support windows 8.1 with proper native driver wddm 1.3. 2 years driver support is short isn't it???? it will be your loss in the future in respect to bad reputation for not supporting hardware in the long term even though quality wise you are top on my list. Thanks

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