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Windows media center and intel 4600 graphics live tv stutter


I am using a Gigabyte GA-B85M-DS3H mother board with the Intel I5 4430 LGA1150 Processor Built in 4600 GPU.

This was a New build with Windows 7 32bit as a HTPC.

During Live tv some channels like HBO or AMC seem to stutter pause, audio becomes out of sync and generally jumpy and un watchable. There was a Flashing that occurred with the stutter but turning off the automatic contrast seems to have solved that problem.

Despite the fact that the ticket i opened 8000886838 was answered by Warner that such functionality doesn't exist with Intel. I was finally able to locate it within the HD Graphics Control program.

I have done a lot of research on the issue and some call it a 29/59 frame rate issue. Most people though are able to alleviate the problem simply by turning off the adaptive contrast control. Others have given up and simply buy an additional graphics card.

I would rather be able to fix the issue and use the on board graphics.

Is there any steps I can take that would help the issue. Older drivers maybe. Settings I am unaware of. Reg Key's that might help?

Speaking of the drivers, included with the graphics driver is the Audio driver to take the audio over the HDMI cable. When the system goes to sleep however that driver seems to crash during wakeup and a reboot is needed to get audio back on the HDMI cable.

Any help would be appreciated.

1 Solution

Hi all,

A couple issues in this thread and it's difficult to separate them so I'll just answer both here.

1. Video playback stutters or "glitches" in Windows Media Center when frame rate changes occur (5643022)

This has been reported as an application bug by Microsoft in KB_2658140. A case was opened internally to investigate if we could work around this bug via the Intel graphics driver. The investigation determined that due to the nature of this issue a workaround in the Intel graphics driver is technically unfeasible.

2. Chrome freezing when playing YouTube videos using HTML5 (7432330)

As Robert /message/290445# 290445 mentioned before:

For the folks seeing video stuttering/corruption with YouTube using HW rendering on Hybrid Graphics systems with 4K display when using Chrome, Chrome player is not optimized for 4k playback, there is significant overhead on both CPU and GPU side resulting in the stuttering issue.

- Appended 04/05/16 -

3. Video flicker seen during premium channel playback (6493253)

There is a flicker/stutter during premium channel playback which has been determined as being affected by the "Advanced Contrast Enhancement" or ACE feature. To be clear, this is different than the WMC app bug mentioned above which Intel cannot work around in our driver. To work around this ACE issue, please disable ACE in the CUI when experiencing this issue by going to Video>Advanced>Color Enhancement>Disable.

View solution in original post

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60 Replies

Add me to the list.

I am experiencing problems that I believe are the same issue described above.

Brand new, just released laptop.

i7-4720HQ/Intel 4600 (+nvidia 980m) with a 4k screen.

Specifically issues in YouTube and Twitch, dropped frames, audio stuttering now and again.

Watching a test 60fps YT video on this laptop, next to my previous gen laptop the difference is very apparent.

Full screen my previous gen (intel 4000 @ 1080p (+ati 7970m)) shows a silky smooth 60fps, the 4600 looks around 10-15fps.

The stop-start framerate and the intermittent audio stuttering glitch I am experience sounds like I am having the same issues as the users above.

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@ Klaxian, could you please post more details of the YouTube issues? Can you post the link to several videos on YouTube that you see the issue on?



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Problem I am having is most premium channels (HBO Showtime) stutter and jump around very badly to the point of nausea at times. I really want to reduce or elliminate this behavior as other graphics manufactures have been able to. The channels that display this behavior are the ones with the "bad" metadata causing the 29/59 flipping.


Gigabyte ga-z97n

Intel i5-4690k

16 gig ram

Intel Driver Version :

I turned off adaptive contrast via the registry keys.

I have not able able to figure out to smooth out the video where the 29/59 bug is concerned. I thought the darn thing was broken as this is replacing a 5 year old icore7-860 system that was just sucking too much power with nvidia gtx750i. This system posed no issues with the bug, I have only found out about it since moving to my new setup.

Please provide a solution as I hate to think I spent all this money on a shiny new system to make it smaller quieter and more efficient only to not be able top use it. The only PCIE slot I have is loaded with the ceton 6 tuner card, so new gfx card is not the answer.

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Could you please provide feedback on the latest driver for this issue? also, with the latest driver if you could post a sample capture of the issue that you are seeing that would be very helpful for our debug team.

Latest drivers:



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For the folks seeing video stuttering/corruption with YouTube using HW rendering on Hybrid Graphics systems with 4K display when using Chrome, Chrome player is not optimized for 4k playback, there is significant overhead on both CPU and GPU side resulting in the stuttering issue.

The remaining issues detailed in this thread are still under investigation





Hi all,

A couple issues in this thread and it's difficult to separate them so I'll just answer both here.

1. Video playback stutters or "glitches" in Windows Media Center when frame rate changes occur (5643022)

This has been reported as an application bug by Microsoft in KB_2658140. A case was opened internally to investigate if we could work around this bug via the Intel graphics driver. The investigation determined that due to the nature of this issue a workaround in the Intel graphics driver is technically unfeasible.

2. Chrome freezing when playing YouTube videos using HTML5 (7432330)

As Robert /message/290445# 290445 mentioned before:

For the folks seeing video stuttering/corruption with YouTube using HW rendering on Hybrid Graphics systems with 4K display when using Chrome, Chrome player is not optimized for 4k playback, there is significant overhead on both CPU and GPU side resulting in the stuttering issue.

- Appended 04/05/16 -

3. Video flicker seen during premium channel playback (6493253)

There is a flicker/stutter during premium channel playback which has been determined as being affected by the "Advanced Contrast Enhancement" or ACE feature. To be clear, this is different than the WMC app bug mentioned above which Intel cannot work around in our driver. To work around this ACE issue, please disable ACE in the CUI when experiencing this issue by going to Video>Advanced>Color Enhancement>Disable.

0 Kudos

Technically unfeasible? So how do other graphics card manufacturers handle it? Didn't have these issues with my GTX 680/780 HTPC. It wasn't until I moved to using the Intel Graphics that this became an issue.

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Yes, other graphics manufacturers may have found it technically feasible to work around the issue and done so. Our investigation concluded it was not technically feasible within the Intel graphics driver. Working around bugs found in 3rd party applications or OS are not always feasible or possible within our graphics driver. This is one of those cases.

0 Kudos

All right. Feasible or not, it's understandable from a business aspect not to invest too much time fixing an error that only affects a small subset of users that use a dying product (Windows Media Center).

I appreciate you coming in and stating Intel's capabilities/stance on this issue. Thanks for the closure.

In my personal situation I'll purchase an external cable tuner to free up the one PCI-e slot I have (mini-itx) and pop my extra GTX680 I have into that machine. There's always going to be something like this that comes up when building a machine, even if you're pretty diligent with your hardware research. Everything else works perfect but this, and it would have been just as easy for me to build a micro-atx machine instead of mini-itx, making this no big deal. Live and learn.

Thanks again, Bryce.

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If I were to get a new laptop or upgrade to win 10 do you know if this will remedy or which integrated graphics works with this issue? Or 8.1 does this always happen with integrated graphics? The reason I ask about win 10 is I have an old laptop running win 7 and by changing a few on computer by disabling Film Mode Enhancement and Contrast Enhancement in Advanced and Skin Tone Enhancement in Basic. And this was an older integrated graphics. Wondering if 8.1 is the problem and its remedied in 10. Perhaps by changing settings. Can this be investigated? I would like to make an informed decision on a new laptop purchase as this is important to me. Or upgrade 8.1 to 10 if this OS is the issue.

Full specs on both of mine are here on a thread you redirected.


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Hi bigredsaab,

The issue as indicated in the MSFT KB article is with WMC. Win10 does not have WMC so this particular issue would not be able to be replicated as it is currently reported.

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One other question since these are recoreded in .wtv have you Bryce or anyone else had luck converting the format for playback into another format and fixed the frame rate issues that way? Please share all ideas that worked (if any...) as I would like to retain as much of the HD as possible if all. Similar large file sizes are fine so are smaller if it works.

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I'd imagine if you converted the format into a video file like mkv it would play normally, I haven't tried this though. If you do, please share results of what you try for others to see. Thanks.

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Thank you Bryce anyone else have a positive or negative experience converting the file to get rid of frame rate issues?

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Hi Bryce, I've long seen that MSFT KB article, and I don't think it describes all issues in this thread. In my case, I'm not seeing such frame rate switches on the channels with the issue, but I'm still seeing corrupt frames.

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The following video demonstrates the bug that you're talking about, specifically showing it in the debug menu, and is NOT what I'm experiencing: Windows Media Center Framerate Stutter Bug - YouTube

Btw, I've just tested the latest driver 4222, and it doesn't solve the problem, just for reference.

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Hi mmortal03

I'm not sure what you're seeing. I know what you're not seeing from the video. There's a sticky on the main Graphics page detailing what's needed to replicate issues and get them investigated. Could you provide your failure info from that sticky here?

0 Kudos

Hi all,

There is a flicker/stutter during premium channel playback which has been determined as being affected by the "Advanced Contrast Enhancement" or ACE feature. To be clear, this is different than the WMC app issue which Intel cannot work around in our driver. To work around this issue, please disable ACE in the CUI when experiencing this issue by going to Video>Advanced>Color Enhancement>Disable.

Closing out this thread as resolved with a work around above. For the issue found on SKL, refer to the below thread.

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Hi Bryce,

That step is helpful for removing the flickering issue. I've used it in the past on Clarkdale, Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell iGPU's to resolve the flickering problem. However, with Skylake iGPU, it seems like something was changed, and while the flickering is removed, stuttering is still there and/or worse.

I brought this thread back to life because a few posts before me, NicJ mentioned the exact same issues with his Skylake iGPU using a desktop platform (in comparison to my NUC). This would show a correlation that there may be something specific with Skylake drivers not playing nice with these WMC channels (and unaffected with other iGPU chipsets where disabling ACE is the resolution). His problem was never fixed, and he worked around it by buying a discrete, competing GPU.

I may be in the wrong place since this thread was originally opened for Haswell iGPU, but I figured it's in the similar group of issue (29/59) and to keep it in the same pool. I'd be happy to open a new thread specifically related to Skylake if that would help or is needed. Thank you.

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