Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20810 Discussions

driver update breaking games


ater the last driver updates (intel hd 620) every single game i try to open has a insane fps drop most of the times , making impossible to play,  when it does not lag i cannot alt+tab out during loading screens or the fps dies. 

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16 Replies
Super User

So the Intel support engineers can have more information about your system, Download, run, and save the results of this utility as a text file:

Then ATTACH the text file using the instructions under the reply window ( Drag and drop here or browse files to attach ).


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Windows 11 is the new Vista]


ok, here it is 

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Hello mic

Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.

In order to check this further, could you please provide the following information?

1- Just to make sure that we understand correctly, what is the driver that you updated to and triggered this behavior? Is it version ""? Did you manually download and install the driver from Intel® Download Center?

2- What is the version of the previous graphics driver(s) that works fine? This is since you mentioned the issue started after updating the driver, so we can use this as a reference.

3- What is the FPS value/number that the games currently achieve? What would be the expected FPS from your point of view?

4- Please provide examples/titles of the games that you play and experience this issue. Please provide more details including step-by-step instructions for replication purposes. If possible, shared some pictures or a short video showing the behavior and the settings of the games.

5- When the issue happens, have you noticed if the system, processor, or the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) experience any sign of overheating?

6- Do the games throw any error messages?

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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1- its the version, it was updated with Intel® Driver & Support Assistant 

2- sorry but i cant really remember that

3- anything playable, if i alt+tab or click at anything during the game loading now it will just freeze forever with 1-4 fps

4- some of the games are league of legends, team fight tatics, roblox (any game on roblox), legends of runeterra, the elder scrolls 5 skyrim, dont starve/dont starve together, hero siege, plague inc, any games that worked before the update now freeze if interacted during the loading 

5- that was the first thing i checked when it started to happen but everything is normal there

6- nop no error messages


thank you

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Hello mic

Thank you for your response and for the details.

In this case, we would like to recommend the following steps in case you haven't tried them yet.

1- Verify the game's minimum/recommended requirements with the game developers or their support teams. Also, check with them for the latest patches and updates and to review if repairing the installation of the game might be needed

2- Visit to check the best recommended settings for each game based on your Processor model.

3- Ensure your Microsoft* operating system is up to date

  • Open Windows Update settings (Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update).
  • Click Check for updates.
  • Once the update appears, select Download and install now.
  • Restart your device to complete the update installation process.

4- Run the Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool to verify that both the processor and the GPU (Graphics Processing Unite) are fine. To save the report, once the test is done, click on "File >> View Results File" and attach the .txt file to your reply.

5- Confirm that no other heavy workload programs are running in the background while playing.

  • Open the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc), then click the CPU and Memory tabs to check whether anything is using up large chunks of your CPU or RAM (for instance, a web browser with many tabs open).

6- Perform a Clean Installation of Intel® Graphics Drivers in Windows* using the latest Intel® generic driver: Intel® HD Graphics 620 Windows® DHC Driver version

During the process, please make sure all steps are followed, including disconnecting from the Internet and making sure you get to the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter before trying to install the graphics driver.

If the behavior persists, please repeat the process and try with the previous generic Intel® Graphics DHC driver version

Please report back the outcome of the test with the clean installation.

7- Based on the Intel® SSU report, we noticed the system is running BIOS version 1.25. As per ACER* website, there is a newer BIOS version 1.27 so we recommend checking with ACER* Support to review if they recommend updating the BIOS to see if this helps with the problems and to improve performance.

If the behavior persists even after trying both driver versions and, please provide us with the following information so we can check this further:

A- Step-by-step instructions for replication purposes. Feel free to share a short video if possible showing the behavior and the game settings (or you may provide some screenshots).

B- Please fill up the Template for submitting a Graphics bug available in the link.

C- A new Report for Intel® Graphics Drivers following the steps on the link. If you use external monitors to play the games, make sure the monitors in question are connected to the computer when generating the report.

D- A new Intel® SSU report following these steps (Please note it is important to follow all the steps):

  • Download the Intel® SSU and save the application on your computer
  • Open the application, check the "Everything" checkbox, and click "Scan" to see the system and device information. The Intel® SSU defaults to the "Summary View" on the output screen following the scan. Click the menu where it says "Summary" to change to "Detailed View".
  • To save your scan, click Next and click Save.
  • Once you have saved the file (.txt file), please attach it to your reply.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello mic

We are checking this thread and we would like to know if you were able to review our previous post and try the suggestions. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us back.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

hello, after installing the previous generic Intel® Graphics DHC driver version it happens a lot less, still happens some times but now it only happens around 2/10 times, sorry for the delayed reply and thank you for your help.

0 Kudos

Hello mic

Thank you for your response and for the feedback regarding driver version

We released a newer driver Version Could you please try this driver and let us know if the behavior is different (hopefully better?)

If the issue persists, please provide us with details about the behavior/performance, and also, please provide us with detailed/clear steps so we can test this and try to replicate the behavior. (Note: We are aware that you previously provided us with examples of the games that experience this issue, so that part is fine; we just want to make sure regarding the steps for testing so we may avoid missing important details/instructions during our test). Thank you in advance for your efforts.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

hello, after trying this newer driver, the behavior did change but for worse, now instead of freezing with a really slow fps, the affected games just become a white screen, without ever going back to normal without closing the said game and opening it again, in order to make it happen it still the same, if i click in the game or alt tab during the start of the loading it will happen, and the affect games are still the same, roblox, league of legends, team fight tatics, legends of runeterra, skyrim, plague inc. 

0 Kudos

Hello mic

Thank you for your response and for the feedback regarding the behavior with driver version Please allow us to check this further and we will try to replicate this using the steps that you provided. We will be posting back in the thread as soon as more details are available.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello mic

We would like to inform you that we are still working on this request and we are still reviewing this through our internal tests. We will be providing more details as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your patience in this matter and for your efforts.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello mic

We would like to update this thread and inform you that we tried to replicate the issue in our lab but it is not present during our tests. We are sharing some videos we recorded and we kindly recommend checking the videos carefully in case we missed steps. If so, please provide us with more specific details.

Note: In one of the videos, there was some lagging at the beginning of the game for a couple of seconds (mostly due to the recording) but then it went back to normal, it was smooth with no FPS drops, no freezing, no white screens. Alt+Tab didn't give any errors at any point. With driver the game ran smoothly.

At this point, we recommend verifying this further with your computer manufacturer (OEM) since we can discard an issue with the drivers. For your convenience, here is the link to Acer* Support.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

hello and thank you again, some days ago i have send my device to a specialized technician, looks like they where able to find the problem, looks like the drivers where having issues with some windows update, i wont be able to verify if its proper working for some time as its holiday here but as soon i can i will give you an update about it, again thank you for your help 

0 Kudos

Hello mic

Thank you for your response and for letting us know these details.

Perfect!, we will be waiting for your feedback to see if the issue is resolved after sending the device to a specialized technician.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

hello, i was able to get my device a day ago and did some tests with every single game since, looks like the problem is gone now, after a quick talk with the technician, he said that all that was done was revert a update from windows, he believes that there only 2 possibilities from the cause, the driver had some incompatibility or that the windows update some how was able to corrupt the driver, i believe it was the first option as a clean installation of the drivers in a previous version was not able to solve the problem, i will not be able to give the windows update that crated this problem as it was not mentioned by the technician, anyway it looks like its solved now, thank you for your time helping me : )

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Hello mic

Thank you very much for your response and for your feedback, we really appreciate it. We are glad to know that the problem is solved now after receiving the device from the technician and testing.

Having said that, we will proceed to close this inquiry now. In case the issue returns (hopefully it won't) or if you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored. It has been a pleasure to assist you.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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