Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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i5 7200u/620HD And Struggling To Get More Than 40FPS On CSGO And Overwatch. Please Help


I know my laptop is not a gaming laptop by any means however, CSGO and Overwatch are both suppose to be games that can run on my system without much problem. CSGO on low/medium/high runs around 40-50 FPS and remains there for all levels of graphics. The FPS does get north of 100 but only in the menus. I have seen from videos and friends that I should easily be able to get north of 80FPS on low in CSGO on my system. In terms of Overwatch I am playing at 50% render scale, 720p, and all low settings and struggle to get over 35 FPS.

I am getting frustrated as everyone I go to ask for help I am told that yes something seems to be wrong but no one can tell me how to resolve it. I am hoping going to the forum of my computer brand will help. The laptop as a whole runs well, I keep it updated from virus, malware etc, daily. It is growing more and more frustrating as I know my laptop can do more and its seems like something is holding it back during gaming sessions.

Any help would be great!

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4 Replies

Hello gesurfac



Thank you for joining the community.



Could you provide me with the example of the problem that you are having?



Also, I would like to gather more information about the configuration you have on the computer. Please attach to this thread the TXT file the Intel® System Support Utility will generate:


Steps to save the report:
  1. Run the utility.
  2. Click on "Scan" to get the scanned system.
  3. Once the scan is complete click on "next".
  4. Use the "save" option, save the report to your desktop.
  5. To attach a file, you must click the "Attach" option on the bottom right-hand corner of the response box.




Leonardo C.


0 Kudos

Thanks for your help!! Essentially I am getting much lower than expected FPS in low end PC games. Games such as CSGO, which my system should be able to run, struggle to get anything higher than 30FPS while on the lowest settings. A game such as this has been tested on setups exactly the same to mine and on low, FPS is north of 90. With that said if I improve the graphics and switch the settings to medium or high the FPS stays exactly the same. Other games such as Overwatch, struggle to reach the FPS of others that have the same setup as me. I am wondering if something is holding back my system. I recently reset my computer back to factory to see if that would help, (thus the delayed response) and again nothing has changed. My laptop is plugged in at all times, my power is also switched to performance. Any help would be great, as I am not looking to play a ton of games on this computer however I would like to be able to play those that can run on my system at their highest levels.

Attached is the system file you requested.

0 Kudos

Hello gesurfac



Thank you for your response,



I would recommend verifying that the video memory is set up at max on the BIOS of your system, for assistance on the BIOS configuration please refer to the system manufacturer.



Also, allow me to share with you the following set of game configuration for your processor:






For Overwatch:



Hope this helps,





Leonardo C.


0 Kudos

Hello gesurfac



I was checking your case and would like to know if you need further help. If so, please do not hesitate in replying back.





Leonardo C.


0 Kudos