Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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igccservice "PowerEvent handled successfully by the service." every 5 seconds in application log


Windows 10 event viewer has the entry "PowerEvent handled successfully by the service" every 5 seconds continually when my X1 Carbon is on. Full XML entry below. Is this normal? I've attached the result of an SSU scan.

- <System>
  <Provider Name="igccservice" />
  <EventID Qualifiers="0">0</EventID>
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2021-10-07T20:04:45.5735096Z" />
  <Correlation />
  <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
  <Security />
- <EventData>
  <Data>PowerEvent handled successfully by the service.</Data>
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4 Replies

Hello @ajkessel

Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.


We just took a look at Event Viewer on a laptop with Intel® Graphics and Intel® Graphics Command Center. We were able to find events like the one that you described under Windows* Logs > Application. Just to make sure we have the proper information, is this the same path and the same type of log ("Information") that you see? Please see the below image as a reference:

Event Viewer igccservice.png


If it is not the same, could you please provide a screenshot? Also, are you experience any problems with Intel® Graphics that you think could be related to these logs?


Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician


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Yes, that's what I'm seeing (screenshot below). I've been trying to troubleshoot an X1 Carbon problem when I'm connected via USB-C/DisplayLink dock to external monitors and they often disconnect/reconnect. I've seen this issue with multiple X1 Carbons and multiple docks from different manufacturers and multiple monitors from different manufacturers, so I'm thinking it could be a video driver issue or possibly something with the USB ports. (But since I've seen it with different laptops, docks, and cables, I don't think it is a hardware failure specific to any one device.)



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Hello ajkessel

Thank you for your response.

On the laptop where we reviewed this to take the screenshot as a reference, we didn't use a docking station or external displays, and we do not experience any graphics issue on it using the latest Intel® generic DCH Graphics Driver version Since the Event Level is just categorized as "Information", this seems to be a regular log generated by the service running in the background. It is not showing any error or warning message and the event log doesn't seem to be related to the behavior you experience with the docking station.

Now, in regards to the issue with the USB-C/DisplayLink dock and the external monitors disconnecting/reconnecting, do the monitors disconnect if you connect them directly to the computer (one monitor at a time) using a straight-through connection with a single cable that has the same connection type in both ends? If the answer is "they don't disconnect and work fine", this could be a compatibility issue.

In that scenario, it is worth keeping in mind that Intel does not recommend the use of any kind of adapters, video converters, or dockings. This is because we cannot test all of them, so we cannot guarantee that these are going to work. For more details. please review this article: Using Video Cable Adapters, Splitters and/or Docking Stations in Computers not Manufactured by Intel.

The best solution is doing a direct connection with a single cable that has the same connection type on both ends but if you are unable to use a straight connection you may try:

1- Update to the latest version of the customized graphics driver provided by your computer manufacturer Lenovo*: Intel® Graphics Driver For steps to uninstall the driver, you may refer to this link and then install the Lenovo* driver:

2- Install all Windows* updates and update to the latest BIOS (if new versions are available) with the assistance of your computer manufacturer.

In some cases, this issue has been fixed by installing the latest generic graphics driver released by Intel. However, we noticed that the system is already running the latest generic version Also, please keep in mind that Intel only releases generic drivers, so we cannot guarantee that our latest driver will work as expected, and it is very possible that it will remove features added only to the driver developed by your system manufacturer.

If none of these workarounds fixes the issue, it is very likely that the adapter/docking is not supported by the controller. In that case, please contact the adapter manufacturer to look for possible workarounds.

In case you would like us to review further your configuration, drivers, etc with respect to this behavior, please kindly create a new thread since this would be a different topic from the original inquiry posted at the beginning of the thread.

Best regards

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello ajkessel

We have not heard back from you so we will proceed to close this thread now. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored. It has been a pleasure to assist you.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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