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20814 Discussions

incompatible driver igdkmd64.sys


Edition Windows 10 Home Windows 10 May 2021 Update (21H1) I'm trying to turn on  Core Isolation and I'm getting a message that says  igdkmd64.sys Incompatible and will not turn on.  Is there an update to this and where is it?



23 Replies
Super User

Sadly, no surprise. These SCUM (HP and Dell both) are relentless. They run their support groups for profit. Imagine!

Dell is actually the worst. Their scam is to have you run this so-called exhaustive hardware test. Then, when (not if) the test finds nothing wrong, they say that it isn't their fault and them investigating any further will cost you money. Yea, right. Their test facility is a scam facilitator and nothing but.

You pay good money for support in your original expenditure and they still want to charge you additional money to actually give you support. If they can't get any additional money out of you, they blame it on Intel and dump you off here. Of course, if this is a system-level or laptop product, you don't even have a warranty from Intel. The processor, the chipset, the LAN and WLAN components, etc. are all covered by the warranty from the vendor, not Intel. Your warranty is exclusively from the vendor. Still, when they dump you here, Intel helps you out to the extend that they can, usually no questions asked (they do draw the line at discontinued products, however). Think about this though: when they sluff you off to Intel with your problem, you are represented by one voice. If HP or Dell come to Intel with a problem, on the other hand, they are representing many thousands of voices. Who's issue do you think gets priority? Not yours, that's for sure! Numbers talk. Bottom line, when the sluff you off, they are actually lowering the priority of your issue significantly!

People complain about Intel support. AFAIAC, Intel has the best support in the business (unfortunately, considering companies like HP and Dell, that isn't saying much). Most people who are complaining about Intel support are complaining because their problem is not fixed instantly. They have no concept of proper software development processes. They have no grasp of the time that is actually required for the full validation of a release. If their problem is one that is truly caused by a software/driver/firmware bug, then it is going to take literally months to be addressed. This is reality.

Off my soapbox now...




Yeah, and not only did they want to charge me, but they wanted me to give them full access to remotely take over my pc so they could remotely check/fix any problems it has...   Are ya seriously believing I'm going to hand over my pc... hahahahahaha.. oh yeah, I forgot, I was born yesterday... 

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I know it's been a couple of years since this was posted but I just recently switched to UEFI.  I ran into exactly the same problem with the same driver while trying to turn on Core Isolation.  I Asked the obvious question on HP Support.  They responded with 100 references, NONE of which addressed the issue.  Apparently they still don't want to be bothered with helping us solve the problem.  I've been all over the internet looking for a way to fix this thing.  Even on the Microsoft site.  Looks like I just won't be turning on Core Isolation.  Makes me wonder why it's even there.  I'm inclined to jump on the "soap box".  I know each one of us is only one out of millions, but also, each of us spend money with these outfits amounting to a great deal in the end.  Seems like they would like to accommodate us just a little tiny bit.  Errrrrrrrgh!!!!!  Thank you, Intel, for the info.  RLC

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