Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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problem with driver update utility


i bought a new laptop and installed windows 7 and now i am trying to install all drivers.but when i try to check my system using the driver update utility it gets stuck at analyzing computer indefinitely on firefox even though i have java installed.on internet explorer it just crashes so i cant find which drivers do i need to download.i have an acer v3-571g laptop with windows 7 x64.thank you for your help

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3 Replies

also i cantget the system requirements lab website to work

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Hello n7fury,

Please note that we as Intel ®provide the hardware to the system manufacturers and they will design the hardware and the software specifically for their systems.

Due to this, the driver that can be provided from our side for your Acer laptop is the graphics driver only.

Please post your dxdiag report here so we can provide the correct generic graphics driver for your computer. If you do not know how to get this, you can do the following:

  1. Click Start button, click Run or in the Search Bar, type dxdiag in the Open box, and then click OK.
  2. Click on Save All information.
  3. Open the .Txt file creates in your desktop and copy/paste the information in the community.

IF you are interested in getting the rest of the drivers for your computer, I recommend you contacting the system manufacturer so they can provide all this information.

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I just went through this with an Acer v3-571g-6704 with Win 8 and 8.1 and Win XP x64. These Acers are a weird bird as they share video drivers between Intel HD and nvidia gefdorce gt 630m. If you already have the Intel HD 4000 Graphic driver loaded, try setting your bios video setting to integrated, so the only video card seen is the Intel HD 4000. To connect to Intel driver identifier utility, you must have an Intel driver for the video card (By default if Microsoft can't find the driver for your card on install of OS, it installs a generic VGA driver that won't work on Intel Driver Identification facility). These Acers are a weird bird as they share video drivers between Intel HD and Nvidia GeForce GT 630M (On my machine). If you reinstall system or look for driver updates via Microsoft, you will get the current Intel HD 4000 Certified driver from Microsoft Update. Then once you have the Intel HD driver installed, and you have installed latest Java (I have v 51), and then you allow Intel Support site to install Husdawg driver id active x, you will be able to connect to the driver id utility at Intel. If you getr an error, hit the OK and it still works. I really had a nightmare, trying to get drivers for XP x64 as the ACER support site cannot search for all drivers by OS and instead you have to select from a list of devices. Go to the Acer website at Use the third choice on the right selection panel Choose " 1 Or select my product from a list" Select Notebook under Group heading, then Aspire from series heading, then V3-571G. The drivers available will be down below the panel your looking at so you have to scroll down to see what comes up. First set your Operating system to Windows 7 64-Bit (I'm assuming that is the OS version your using). Load the drivers in the order they are listed. I think the Nvidia card absolutely would not load unless I loaded the Intel HD first with bios to Integrated Video and then change bios to Switchable and load Nvidia Geforce driver as provided by Acer. Now go to Microsoft after loading all the Acer drivers and run Microsoft updates. Then go to Intel and run the Driver Identification Utility at\support/\support and you should be successful. There has been this weird problem with Intel driver identifier for like 2 years now and the main problem is in the video driver detected. Good luck and try this. I have a list of most of the current drivers except the Intel HD 4000 video as Microsoft Installed the Intel driver for me during the first update after installing the OS. the rest of the drivers I got from Acer and then went to Intel and ran the driver update. One last thing, Make sure you enabled the Java in Tools Internet Options Advanced and when a message pops up requesting your permission to run java (I think it is a Microsoft security and User Account Control requests as well. Good luck and cheers. PS - Your Acer comes with a Hitachi or Toshiba "death" star drive. Make sure you do an image backup of your Harddrive as many of them fail under 2 years. Mine crapped out just 3 weeks after warranty expired. It (The Acer PC) nearly sailed out of my 2nd floor window. We put a cross hair on it (the old crapped out drive) and plan to test out my friends 357 Magnum on it. I already lost mine in 1.01 years including everything that was on it. No warning, hard crash and just lost visibility to the BIOS overnight for no apparant reason. BACK UP YOUR DRIVE QUICK, In case this is behind your problem (IE a corrupted file needed to connect to Intel).
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