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2473 Discussions

Constant crashes in games and glitchy edge browser

Recently built a computer for my brother using the arc a750 and have been experiencing some annoying issues. Videos on the edge browser are very glitchy and goes green and look garbled, chrome doesn’t have these issues. Wild hearts was working on the first day when I had ReBar off, now constantly crashes after turning it on. Tried turning it off again and it keeps crashing, updated bios and it got even worse in terms of crashing. Just would like some advice on what to do next.
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1 Solution
After installing the 4128 driver the crashing has been greatly reduced and the performance is a lot better so it must have been a driver issue. Thank you for your help.

View solution in original post

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13 Replies
Super User

So the Intel support engineers can have more information about your system, Please download and run the Intel System Support Utility ( ) for Windows. Select all data categories and then have it generate a report. Next, have the tool Save the report to a text file (don't try to use the Submit capability; it doesn't work). Finally, using the Drag and drop here or browse files to attach dialog below the edit box for the body of your response post, upload and attach this file to the response post.

Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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I have done as you asked, would also like to add a few extra details about the situation. The Wild Hearts game will either crash to desktop and there will be a notification in the bottom right corner saying the device has changed or it will black screen and after a minute or so reboot the computer, with Rebar on the game will crash within the first minute of starting up and with it off it can last a lot longer maybe 5-10 minutes. Edge is not glitching right now but did so on the first day.

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Had an issue this morning where my chrome window would glitch whilst on twitter and YouTube wasn’t able to screenshot had to restart for it to return to normal will post a pic if it happens again.
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Monster hunter rise sunbreak will not boot past the title screen just freeze and then crash. First crash brings me to desktop with a d3d fatal error 25. Going straight back into the game again will cause it to crash at the same point and cause a reboot with a blue screen. I would really appreciate some help here I wonder if my card is faulty.
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Hello Teskamator


Thank you for posting on the Intel️® communities. We appreciate your patience.


To better assist you, please provide us with the following:


  • Do you receive any error messages when the game crashes? If so, provide us a screenshot of the error message you receive.
  • Is this a new system?
  • Are you running the game's latest version?
  • Is the issue present if you try a different driver version?
  • What is the game distribution service? ( Blizzard, Epic, Origin, Steam, Xbox, Ubisoft connect)?
  • Provide us with a video showing the issue behavior, as well as the game settings you use.
  • We would like to gather more information about your system that will help us troubleshoot your issue, so please, provide us with a report using the Intel System Support Utility (Intel SSU):
    • Open the application and click "Scan" to see the system and device information. By default, Intel SSU will take you to the "Summary View." 
    • Click on the menu where it says: "Summary" to change it to "Detailed View." 
    • To save your scan: click "Next"; then "Save." 


Also, we recommend you open different threads for each issue you are experiencing. This will help us void confusion and duplicate efforts.


Best regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

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  • I don't receive any error codes it just black screens.
  • Yes this is a new system but the secondary SSD is from an older computer.
  • Yes I am running the newest version of the games. 2d games and games which are not very taxing run fine the more graphically intensive ones just crash on the title screen.
  • I have tried drivers 4091, 4125 and 4126 and used DDU to do a clean install.
  • Uploaded a video to YouTube here is the link
  • I have placed the system report in attachments.
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Hello Teskamator,


Thanks for the information provided.


This time we would like to suggest performing a clean installation of the latest production driver,  Sometimes corrupted files from previous installations of drivers can linger on a system which can cause driver updates to not work as expected.


Based on the same perception that corrupted files can create system malfunctions, can you try reinstalling your games?


In case the issue persists, create a report with the Intel® Graphics Command Center:

  • Open the Intel Graphics Command Center
  • Navigate to the Support tab
  • Select System Diagnostic
  • Click Generate Report
  • Select Save and name the output file.


Best regards,

Jean O.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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I've just done a clean install of the driver, reinstalled windows and also reinstalled the games. I was actually able to get on assetto corsa and drive around a little but when I went to close the game the computer crashed. Now the game is behaving like how it did before where it crashes on the title screen.

I checked event viewer and was getting a bugcheck crash 1001 with an errorcode: 0x00000116 everytime the game crashes. I was doing some research around the internet and this error is caused by the GPU so I tried the beta 4125 drivers again and it didn't help I have a feeling something is wrong with the GPU.

I have attached the graphics command center report.


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Hello Teskamator,


Thank you for the information provided. 


We will proceed to check the issue internally and post back soon with more details.


Best regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello Teskamator,


We appreciate your patience.


After reviewing the information you have shared, we noticed that your system has the BIOS F7 version installed. As per the Gigabyte website, the latest version available is the F8g. Update your BIOS to the latest version available, and if you need more information about the update process, you should contact Gigabyte support for more information.


Also, we would like to know the power supply version you have installed on your system, and let us know if you have tested the PSU.


Finally, as per SSU, the crashes have generated minidump files that we can look into. Ideally, try looking into "C:\Windows\Minidump\" and clear the contents, then reproduce the crash once done, look again in this folder, and share with us the "*.dmp" file for analysis.


Best regards,

Jean O.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello Teskamator,

We hope you are doing fine.

Were you able to check the previous post?

Let us know if you still need assistance.

Best regards, 

Jean O.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

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After installing the 4128 driver the crashing has been greatly reduced and the performance is a lot better so it must have been a driver issue. Thank you for your help.
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Hello Teskamator,


We're glad to know that after installing the 4128 drivers, the issue seems to have been reduced. Hopefully, it will help other community members.


Since the thread is now marked as solved, we will close it. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question since this thread will no longer be monitored.  


Best regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

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