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Delta Force,UE4 game,Frequent Crash


The Chinese name of the game: 三角洲行动,English name:Delta Force,UE4 game ,It can be searched on Steam,However, it is still in the final testing stage.

The official recommended configuration includes Intel ARC A580 ,and XESS is supported!

When use my ARC A770 with dx12,The game crashes frequently;It can be played normally with dx11,but no xess. 

When the crash occurs, there is no prompt, but there is an error message in the system clipboard,There will be two prompts:

1.Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 1052]
Rendering thread exception:
Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 249]
Shader compilation failures are Fatal.

2.Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 1052]
Rendering thread exception:
Fatal error!

When it will crash?

1.When the loading map is about to end, there is a high probability of crash
2.When i reconnect, it may not crash immediately, but it will still crash randomly after a few minutes of playing.

One of the possible reasons:
I'm in a situation, the game has 100% crashes when rendering water,For example, the sea!The starting point of a map happens to be the coast!

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2 Replies

Hi, kekemei.

Thank you for posting in our Community.

I understand that you're experiencing frequent crashes while playing Delta Force with your Intel ARC A770 graphics card using DirectX 12, although it works fine with DirectX 11 but without XESS support. The crashes occur particularly when loading maps or rendering water, such as in coastal areas. If you have already taken any measures to address this issue prior to reaching out to us, please provide those details to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts.


Looking forward to your response. Have a nice day!

Best regards,

Von M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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There is no good way to solve this problem, reinstall Windouws, update the graphics card driver, DX11 has no problem, but the frame rate is much lower than DX12.

I learned about this game from the video of the Intel Game bilibili official account, and I didn't expect this kind of crash problem.


It must be reminded that this is not an isolated case, in the exchange community in China, many netizens who use arc graphics cards have reported this problem.

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