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Forza Horizon 4 keeps getting stuck



I purchased an arc a750 founders edition( or limited edition) from a local supplier in my neighborhood. When i try to play Forza Horizon 4 ultimate edition, at first the game runs for about 5 minutes then freezes with music playing on the background. After the initial crash no matter how many times i run it, it crashes on the loading screen. But if i restart my pc then try to run the program, i can play around 5 minutes before the game freezes. I checked the windows event viewer for the specific error. Sometimes the error is "ntdll.dll", sometimes application error. I have encountered such issues with this game only though i don't game much.

My specs are:

CPU: ryzen 5 5600

MOBO: Gigabyte b550m Aourus elite

Ram: 8x2 3200Mhz Corsair vengeance

PSU: Corsair CV650 Bronze rated

Is this a driver issue or do i have to apply for warranty for the gpu? 

I will later provide a drive link for the memory dump created when the application was frozen created from task manager and the forza horizon crashdump from widows/user/appdata/local/crashdumps.

P.S: I only overclocked my cpu using Bios. And an screenshot of intel arc control panel performance setting is attached as well.

pls help me solve this problem. Forza horizon 4 is one of my most favorite titles among many others.

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31 Replies
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Hello Muksid,

Thank you for posting in our communities.

Based on my research, the crashes in Forza Horizon 4 are a known issue, and I found this link below that shows the resolution for the issue. 

I would also like to share these troubleshooting steps, as they are also related to our issue:


Furthermore, if the issue still persists, please provide your SSU so we can check your system information and further isolate our issue.

Thank you, and have a great day ahead!

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician



Thanks for replying. While i was waiting for a reply, i stumbled upon a Microsoft community thread posting a similar problem to mine.

The solve he gave enabled me to at least play for a 5-10 minutes before the gameplay freezes with music playing on the background. Everyone is saying it is a symptom for driver issue. Is there any proven driver version for arc a750 which doesn't crash FH4?

As for the troubleshooting, i reinstalled a fresh windows because of this problem, checked bios, fully updated windows, reinstalled FH4.

so the update is i am able to play the game but for 5-10 minutes max. Pls address this issue.


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Hello Muksid,

We are checking in with you on the Forza Horizon 4 issue to see if you have already performed the troubleshooting steps that we have provided or if you have any additional queries. Please know that we would be happy to assist you if you have any. 

Thank you, and have a great day! 

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Thanks for replying. While i was waiting for a reply, i stumbled upon a Microsoft community thread posting a similar problem to mine.

The solve he gave enabled me to at least play for a 5-10 minutes before the gameplay freezes with music playing on the background. Everyone is saying it is a symptom for driver issue. Is there any proven driver version for arc a750 which doesn't crash FH4?

As for the troubleshooting, i reinstalled a fresh windows because of this problem, checked bios, fully updated windows, reinstalled FH4.

so the update is i am able to play the game but for 5-10 minutes max. Pls address this issue.

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Hello Muksid,

Thank you so much for the response.

Let's try to have a complete graphics driver clean installation with the latest drivers:

If the issue still persists, please generate an SSU report as it contains important details on your system, such as the OS build number, graphics driver version, errors logged in the system, etc. To generate the SSU report, please refer to the article:

How to get the Intel® System Support Utility Logs on Windows*. Please send us the generated SSU.txt file.

After providing the SSU, I will raise our issue with our engineers.

Thank you, and have a great day ahead!

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos


Thanks for the suggestion. But i already clean installed my drivers using DDU to the latest one. About 10 minutes ago my pc glitched and gave BSOD. I already posted the same problem on microsoft which i will attcah it below.

the forza horizon 4 is running stably now. The last fix i did was to use Treesize to see why 10GB of space went missing after BSOD from the Windows drive. There i found the paging.sys to be 25GB. I looked up the recommended amount and set the paging limit between 8GB  and 16GB. Forza Horizon seems to be stable as of now. But the "Random Glitch and then BSOD" problem i was facing was gone for a few days after i reinstalled windows. but today at 10:39 am the glitch happened and i used your dialogistic tool to create a txt file which, for some reason, won't submit via intel service website. Thus i am attaching it here.

If you want to view the minidump and DMP files i will provide a drive link later.

Thank you

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Hello Muksid,

Thank you so much for the response and for sharing with us every detail that might help us isolate the issue. We would truly appreciate it if you could share with us the DMP files, as it might help our engineers find the solution that we need.

We will wait for the DMP files; after you have provided them, I will raise the issue with our engineers.

Thank you, and have a great day ahead!

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos


Thanks for the reply.

Here are the links for the minidump files and crash logs from program data>Microsoft>windows>WER. I hope this helps.

I also provided a memory dump file created after BSOD as well.


I hope you can find the root cause of the issue.


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Hello Muksid,


Thank you so much for providing us the links to your minidump files and crash logs from programme data>Microsoft>windows>WER, as well as the memory dump file created after BSOD.


I will now raise our case with our engineers and post the response on this thread once it is available.


By the way, please try to disable the Intel ARC graphics in your BIOS and use only the integrated graphics card of your system. This is to check if it was the discrete graphics that were causing the issue. Then, let me know the results.


Have a fantastic day, and thank you very much for your patience and understanding!



Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician


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Hello Muksid,


We are truly sorry for the late update.


To gain further clarity, it would be beneficial to enquire whether you are still encountering crashes with Forza Horizon 4 or if the BSOD incidents are isolated events.


If the game-related issues persist, it is advisable to consider updating the graphics driver to version Regarding the BSOD, it would be helpful to us if you could provide the event viewer logs so we can ascertain the root cause of these interruptions.


You will need to export all the folders under the Windows logs. (See the sample screenshot.)


By the way, thank you so much for your patience while awaiting our comprehensive review of the situation.


Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician


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Hello Muksid,

We are checking in with you to see if you already have the answers to our questions so we can further isolate our issue.

Thank you, and have a great day!

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Muksid,

We are checking in with you, as we have not heard any response from you.

Thank you, and have a great day!

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Muksid,


We have a new release graphics driver, which is; please install it and check if the issue still persists.


Furthermore, regarding the BSOD, it would be helpful to us if you could provide the event viewer logs so we can ascertain the root cause of these interruptions.


To do that, you will need to export all the folders under the Windows logs. (See the sample screenshot.)


We still look forward to your response!



Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician


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Forgot to look at this thread. forza horizon 4 is fixed. i just increased the initial paging size to 8gb. previously it was set to windows default. forza horizon 4 ran smoothly ever since. but the random glitch and bsod keeps happening very randomly. for example, the pc will run smoothly for 5-6 days, then suddenly glitches out, after that glitch it will run smoothly until next glitch occurs. there is no fixed pattern between the glitches. i will provide a windows event viewer log according to your attached method when the next glitch occurs. 







Pc glitched out just moments ago. 

i am attaching the event viewer file for the application tab. Please review it and confirm if it is the correct file.





Hello Muksid,

We are truly happy that you have responded to our thread.

To confirm, yes, you have provided the correct file.

We will now do additional investigation on our issue, and then I'll post the response on our thread once it is available.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician


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Hello Muksid,


Upon reviewing your case, I understand that you are encountering some inconsistencies with your gaming experience, including unexpected glitches and a BSOD. To assist you more effectively, could you please specify the exact glitch you're facing? Furthermore, I would like to confirm whether these issues occur solely while playing Forza Horizon 4 or if they are present in other applications as well.


In addition, I have examined the Event Viewer logs you provided and noticed the PerfNet 2004 error. This particular error suggests there may be an issue with the Server service performance object within your Windows operating system, which could potentially lead to overall system performance issues, such as stuttering. Understanding these details will help us in providing you with a more precise solution. 


Screenshot 2024-05-27 171844.png


Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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Thanks for taking the time to address the issue. Today it glitched out after 2 days smooth usage.

From now on i will try to keep a recording via phones camera while i am using the pc, to hopefully capture the glitch on video and attach it to this thread. 

Regarding the perfnet issue, i have zero idea on how to fix it. i noticed the frequency of the error as well. to solve it, I browsed through the net and tried possible fixes for it. But none of them worked. I also created a Microsoft thread for the forza issue, their reply was to return the gpu as there is back to back gpu error while bsod ing. 

Forza runs moderately smooth now. Increaing the intial size of the paging file fixed the problem. the problem is the glitch then automatic restart. I should also mention the glitch problem wasn't so frequent at first. then gradually they became more frequent

So I hope you can help me with this problem. But is there a possibility of GPU problem? i am asking because i have warranty until July 2025.


Thank you.


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Hello Muksid,

I wanted to check if you had the chance to review the questions I posted. Please let me know at your earliest convenience so that we can determine the best course of action to resolve this matter. 

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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