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1717 Discussions

Starfield We WIN


Ok I know this an overhyped game and nothing special. BUT NOW we can play this almost perfect these is the four steps 

1. Download and install latest GPU Driver No More Crashes

2. Install Xess Mod from Nexus 

3. Install Contellation V2 Mods Collection from Nexus

4. Install Cities Texture Perfomance Mod


Run Game Go Settings  Check High Graphics and Play with 60 FPS on every location except big cities 40 - 55 FPS


Graphics is great ( as great  could be on an outdated engine ). 

E.G. Next Days Bethesda & AMD will release a big patch with many fixes but who’s care… Gemeover We Win!!!

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8 Replies

Hello Gavoux,



Thank you for posting on the Intel communities. I see you share some steps to solve the crashes and performance issues with Starfield.


We appreciate for providing this information for us it is really important and helpful.

If you have further suggestions or questions let me know.





Andres P. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Hello Gavoux,



Do you have further suggestions or questions?

Let us know if you still need assistance.    



Best regards,   


Andres P.   

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

No guys I am ok with above actions and last patch & last Intel driver. I get on hight graphics 45 - 50 FPS on New Atlantis and 60 on other places ( I don’t go to Akila yet) . On ultra settings the game is playable with 29-37 FPS on New Atlantis.

I prefer Hight graphics more smooth gameplay  

In General Now the performance is a bit bellow 4060. Not bad at all

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I happily second these results and I'm only using the XeSS mod.

Running driver 4885 on Starfield 1.7.36 for hours at a time, smooth gameplay, and more importantly ZERO crashes.

I did have to turn down the settings to Medium on Monday after updating Arc drivers otherwise I was getting some odd graphics glitch during conversations with Companion or vendor that would cause the game to crash out within minutes. Manifested as a semi-transparent copy of their head\upper torso floating to the right slightly overlapping the actual body. Turning it down to Medium the head went away but the depth of field was completely ruined where it would otherwise be i.e. that spot was completely in focus while outside background was fuzzy as it should be. I went to take some screenshots just now, put it back to High, and I can't reproduce. Steam indicates it downloaded the latest Starfield patch at 15:18 on Monday so it is highly likely I was seeing this on the prior patch version and never tried going back to High post update to 1.7.36 where Bethesda made some Arc specific changes.

Just now on Vectera I was periodically getting a black bar in the upper-right corner of the screen (~1" wide and a quarter to halfway down the side that would grow in length and go away on it's own if I stopped moving. Seemed to appear most often if I was panning vs moving in a straight line. Only happened on the planet's surface and didn't occur when I was on my ship, in space, or running around New Atlantis so perhaps situational with what all is going on in the environment? Not sure if that is being tracked as an open issue or not.

Still some kinks to work out but as it stands now this game is totally playable on Arc on High with legitimate FPS. Keep up the great work!

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Turn off auto scaling or play a bit with scaling settings. On FSR2 use xess mod form nexus. 

without any mod etc you must get 35 FPS in New Atlantis on high graphics preset 

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Hello everyone,



Thank you both for the feedback.

Again this helps us a lot to continue improving the game performance and crashes. We are working really hard on Starfield issues.

@Icabaud related to the black bar in the upper-right corner issue in Strafield, since this thread is related to crashes with Starfield, to keep this thread organized and help you in the best way, please open a new thread, we will be more than glad to help you.


If there are more suggestions or questions please let me know.




Andres P. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Gavoux,



Are there more suggestions about it?

Let us know if you still need assistance.    



Best regards,   


Andres P.   

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Gavoux,



We have not heard back from you, so we will close this thread. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.  



Best regards, 


Andres P. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

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