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The card has delay when outputting the beginning of an audio playback

New Contributor I

When starting to play an audio, sometimes the GPU will take time to output the audio to the monitor. This happens only with DisplayPort; the HDMI port isn't affected by this issue.

I noticed that it happens mostly when the GPU hasn't sent audio for some time (like 5 minutes). Here, when it will be asked to play audio (like when resuming a YouTube video), it won't sent audio for around 2 seconds, and after those 2 seconds, it will send the audio to the monitor like normal. This means that when it happens, the user won't be able to hear the beginning of the audio he wants. This is like if the audio chip on the GPU was sleeping, but is taking some time to "boot" up. This doesn't always happen.
I've linked an Intel Scan Report, and 4 videos of examples where the issue happens (you can hear the spacebar of me resuming the video, with the audio coming 2 seconds later)

(Please do not ask me to get use the stable version of Windows and get of the Insider Preview, I'm already on the queue to opt out)

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4 Replies
New Contributor I

I've already done a DDU recently by the way

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New Contributor I

I've just noticed something else by the way:

Sometimes, only sometimes, when starting to play the audio, the first 0.2 or so seconds will be played, the audio then shuts down, and is coming back a second later

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New Contributor I

Anything ? The issue is pretty annoying

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New Contributor I
It's not even like the thread has been locked seriously... it's an issue that a lot of users have, and is really annoying
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