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Convert AMT Manageability Commander Tool from Desktop To Web Based. Help Required..

I have AMT Manageability Developer Toolkit With Source Code and also have HLAPI.dll. The Question is I want to use the following features from web like. ADD / Discover AMT Computer(s), SOL Redirection feature, KVM Features. Request to provide information regarding this.
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8 Replies
Your question comes at a very good time. I am going to defer the answer to Ylian, who will be posting a new version of the Open-source DTK that fits what you are wanting to do.
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Hi. That's a great question. I have been building my own web site ( have been running into this exact problem of accessing Intel AMT from the web. With PhoneGAP and WinJS coming online, a solution is needed fast, so... I just wrote up a blog on a completely new solution. As far as I know, thishas not been done before.Basicaly, I wrote a complete WSMAN stack for Intel AMT in Javascript. It allows (kind of*) web applications to directly make calls to the Intel AMT firmware.

With this code you canenumerate and getWSMAN objects, make method calls and parse the results. Additionally, if you want to perform a VNC session within a web browser, noVNC now works with Intel AMT, in fact you can try it on, it works great. For noVNC to work, you will need the server to relay websocket traffic to the firmware since AMT does not support websockets. For Serial-over-LAN, I have a VT100 terminal in Javascript can can be used, I have yet to implement the entire SOL protocol in Javascript, but it's certainly possible, again, a websocket relay server is needed. The only thing that would not yet be possible is IDE-R, you need a server to do that and control it from the web page.

* Because Intel AMT does not allow AJAX CORS calls, you will need a server to relay the HTTP calls and add the proper headers in the response.

Hope this helps,
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Dear, ylian-saint-hilaire, where I can get example of SOL in javascript?

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Hi ylian-saint-hilaire,

I'm also working on a web based management console supporting (among other things Intel AMT). The web based management console is hosted on a Linux environment and made available on the internet.

In my setup, the server is responsible for setting up IDER-sessions on behalf of the user. The user connects to the web based management console and requests a reboot to a specific ISO.

The server hosting the management console (running on the internet or deployed at the client) receives the request and can create SSH tunnels to the AMT machines on port 16992/16994 to execute wsman commands (to issue start/stop/reboots) and start/stop IDE-R sessions.

That way, users can manage their network from the internet without installing client-side software on their machines. I'm using the java wsman library and the C++ Redirection Library to accomplish this.

I did run into 1 issue regarding IDE-R on Linux (IDE-R - Triggering a Remote ISO boot from a linux / java environment). Don't know if you ever encountered this (or know someone who does).

I'm going have a look around at . Seems to be very interesting and the javascript based wsman is also pretty cool.

Did have an issue logging in with my Google account using openID. Had to create a new account on your site.

(The link to your blog post meshcentralcom-javascript-wsman-stack-for-intel-amt doesn't seem to work)

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We seem to have other broken links regarding Ylian's blogs as well.  I'm checking into this.

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Hi. Sadly, I have never used IMRSDK.dll on Linux, so I am no help there. I try to avoid using IMRSDK as much as possible going as far as implementing the serial-over-lan protocol myself in Javascript for my latest terminal on Meshcentral. For IDE-R you really have no choice, you have to use IMRSDK, the protocol is complex. Yes, I need to keep evolving the Javascript WSMAN stack, it does ENUM, GET and method invocation well, but I have not done SET operations yet. As for Google OpenID, you need to create an account first an then bind a GoogleID to the account in the account tab. After that you can use your GoogleID. I had to do that because I have C# apps the can't use OpenID so, accounts created with OpenID alone would not support these apps. I like OpenID because if you forget your Meshcentral password, you can log using Google and change your password.

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Just an FYI - Ylian's blog is now visible again:

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Hi Ylian,

Is the IMRSDK still actively developped by Intel and can we expect updates/improvements to it ?
I have the impression that for building custom solutions using IDE-R Windows is the preferred platform. 
One part of our application involves using a Linux host to manage our IDE-R sessions to the AMT machines and host our ISOs, but given the issues we're encountering with it, I'm not sure if this is a good strategic choice. 

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