Intel® Business Client Software Development
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Help on "Action event on match"

Hi ,
Help us to understand "Action event on match" and
Create a log entry when this filter is triggered.

If we create a policy with default RX filter,TX filter
selected Action Count, Action event on match.

If we create policy like above stated ,
let me know that Number of Packet Count = Number of Events. is it right.
or any thing wrong in understanding. or any points we are missing while understanding.

Actually it is not same , if packet count =200 , events are not generating same number.
is it same for "Create a log entry when this filter is triggered".
(it is also not matching, We know that storage of events having limit. .)

Thanks and Regards,
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1 Reply

Hi Ravi,

Thanks for posting the question to the forum. When ActionEventOnMatch is set to true, once the criteria in the filter is triggered, an event is raised and/or the event is stored in the AMT event log. Although there is a caveat to how many event logs are stored in the NVRAM.

  • An event is raised only once per filter until the next call to
CbGetActiveStatistics or in the event of a power down.
  • If the filter is Rate Limit, no more then one event is generated each second.
  • Because of this for a statistics type of filter, there is no need for logging many events. And in your case even though the packet count is 200, you are not seeing that many event logs.

    Hope this helps.

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