Intel® Business Client Software Development
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How to check if AMT is enabled from local host?


I plan to use HECI driver to check if AMT is enabled or not on the local host. If I can get theAMT version throught HECI driver, so the AMT is enabled.

Current problem is that if I do NOT install the HECI driver on the local host, so that I can not detect if AMT is enabled or not.

Furthermore, if AMT is enabled and got successful provisioning, but do NOT install HECI driver, so the result is all the remote webservice works well, but local service does not work, and I can not detect if AMT is enabled or AMT is provisioned from local host.

Is there any better way to check if AMT is enabled from local host than HECI driver? Thanks a lot!

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2 Replies


Sorry, the only way to access AMT through local interface (host OS) is using HECI driver.

If you don't have to access it through OS, you could always get into the Bios settings while boot up and check the ME configurations.



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Hi - Are you looking for a specific API that you can call from the local host? For this sort of information it is useful to look through the Network Interface Guide in the SDK docs. Each "Realm" lists from where the APIs can be called. If the Local Access box is checked then its associated APIs can be called from the AMT local host system. Check out section 7.12 (General Interface). There are APIs that can be used for finding out what the CoreVersion is, Code Versions, Provisioning Mode, Provisioning Status, Host Name, Password Model, etc.

However, Sree was correct - you can only use these APIs if you have the HECI driver installed. Is there a reason why you do not want to install the HECI driver? (Are you running linux?)

I blogged about this topic a while back, also.

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