Intel® Business Client Software Development
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1389 Discussions

What features should I look for to confirm it is NOT a vPro?


Hi All

I would like to know what features should I look for in order to confirm this is NOT a vPro capable. Should I look at an AMT or ME Firmware version in order to confirm it is NOT a vPro?

Basically I would like to know how do I tell even if there is a sticker that said vPro, but how do I tell that is NOT a vPro.


Can I use Intel® Setup and Configuration Software to determine features that confirm it is NOT a vPro?


I will really appreciate your response on this matter.




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1 Reply

Greetings Lentsoe

Yes you can use SCS tools to determine if a device is not a vPro device, simply do the following:

  1. Is the system XEON. i5, i7 Core M then do go to step 2
  2. Perform a "System Discovery" by downloading the Intel SCS Configurator Tools
  3. Then from the command line run the following from the configurator folder within the download: acuconfig systemdiscover
  4. This will create a <FQDN>.xml file
  5. Inspect the file for the <AMTSKU> feild if it doen not say Full Active Management Technology, then it is not a vPro device.

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