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Intel® Business Client Software Development
Support for Intel® vPro™ software development and technologies associated with Intel vPro platforms.



I download bios software for desktop d815eea from yours site, when installing my computer stop up .stop at prossecer picture.what can i do to repaire my bios?my email agdch@hotmail.com

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4 Replies

The instructions for performing the BIOS update should have come with the download. You may want to take a look at the download page for your board to see if there are any other methods for performingthe BIOS update or recovery.

If you still have problems you should use this support page: http://supportmail.intel.com/scripts-emf/welcome.aspx

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I am experiencing similar problems with my D815EEA board. In my case I am unable to boot, and I do not see any video output. I do see LED codes on the back of my machine of "green,green,amber,amber", but I don't know of how to resolve the issue and get past this point without video input.

I also get a LED code of "amber,green,green,green" when I remove the BIOS jumper in order to get into "Recovery Mode", but the LED code does not match what the manual states for "Recovery Mode".

Any thoughts one why my screen is black and getting the LED codes mentioned above?
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Quoting - cwurtz
I am experiencing similar problems with my D815EEA board. In my case I am unable to boot, and I do not see any video output. I do see LED codes on the back of my machine of "green,green,amber,amber", but I don't know of how to resolve the issue and get past this point without video input.

I also get a LED code of "amber,green,green,green" when I remove the BIOS jumper in order to get into "Recovery Mode", but the LED code does not match what the manual states for "Recovery Mode".

Any thoughts one why my screen is black and getting the LED codes mentioned above?

Hi - I am sorry that you are experiencing difficulties. You will need to report this to the email that Lance stated in the previous response (after you have verified that you have followed all the directions that came with the update): http://supportmail.intel.com/scripts-emf/welcome.aspx
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Hi - I am sorry that you are experiencing difficulties. You will need to report this to the email that Lance stated in the previous response (after you have verified that you have followed all the directions that came with the update): http://supportmail.intel.com/scripts-emf/welcome.aspx

FYI the D815EAA board is on our list of discontinued boards but you will find downloads for it here.
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