Intel® Business Client Software Development
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scs 5.0 error code 1205 2205


Hi all

I have installed SCS 5.0 with standard options. IIS, SQL server 2005 express and a microsoft CA. After that I have pre-provisioned two PCs with USB key.

When the PCs appear in the SCS i get the next errors:

error 1205: Proper certificate that matches the pre loaded certificate was not found in the user certificate store. PKI configuration failed.

error 2202: Error Configuring Intel AMT device: Failed to connect to un-configured Intel AMT device at IP Proper certificate that matches the pre loaded certificate was not found in the user certificate store. PKI configuration failed.

error 2202: Error Configuring Intel AMT device: No rows found in get Configuration Parameters.

does anyone knows why it happens?

thanks in advance

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1 Reply

First a quick question. When you mention pre-provisioning the 2 systems with a USB key, could you go into a little more detail about what you mean? SCS allows you to generate the USB key with the PID/PPS pair, but if you generated your own certificate in the certificate server I don't believe you can use the USB key functionality in SCS to deploy the certificate hash.

Can you try manually entering the certificate hash? The "Entering a Root Certificate Manually in the AMT Platform's Firmware" section on page 139 of the SCS Console guide describes how to do this. If that works, you can also look at the USBFile utility in the SDK, it shows how a USB file can be generated with a certificate hash.


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