
We were evaluating the Intel CS for WebRTC for our MCU requirement and we observed the following issue with SIP agent

We see the SIP calls are getting failed frequently and whenever it happens, we see, there is jump in SIP packet captured in PC with Intel CS(SIP agent) from 16:16:58 to 16:17:14 – almost 16 seconds, no SIP packets captured in PC even though, remote SIP endpoint kept sending the SIP messages like INVITE (though other RTP  packets/ipv6 packets are received in PC with SIP agent, during this time). During this time, remote SIP endpoint received ICMP Destination unreachable response. 

Hence I suspect in PC with Intel MCU, sip Agent wasn’t responsive or crashed during this interval. Please let me know if you need any further details from me. We need support from Intel MCU team to further investigate this issue.

Logs around this time:


2017-01-24 16:13:18.531  - INFO: ErizoAgent - message from worker ee94140e-b3a7-e146-2180-a2fa6ca36ce0 : READY

2017-01-24 16:17:04.566  - INFO: ErizoAgent - ce2d2062-eed5-e66e-58f8-49f5ddc0dcd8 exit with null


2017-01-24 16:13:18.373  - INFO: SipPortal - Sip node init successfully.

2017-01-24 16:17:15.656  - INFO: SipErizoHelper - ErizoJS[ ce2d2062-eed5-e66e-58f8-49f5ddc0dcd8 ] check alive timeout!


intelMCU-logs.tgz log files are uploaded for your reference

Thanks in Advance,
